@jellyhillcrab: About time someone here speaks some sense. Amen.
And I would add to this... if somebody is ready to read a review on a game before buying it, well be prepared to be either hyped or disappointed. A review is not a trailer, people should remember that.
@jagdedge124: Why would people get crazy over a review? I don't think it's the site/reviewer that is crazy here.
To me Division is garbage. Full of stupid/childish people, extremely redundant ambiance, gameplay is just "ok", missions are too much predictable, no challenges in the streets, game is overall too easy, story sucks big time. Graphics? Meh. They are good, but nothing spectacular. Some games are much better. Graphics doesn't mean the gameplay is fun or even enjoyable.
I'm not a fan of DS, I don't like it. But I can understand why some people may like this game. So yeah for some people it may be a 9.5, just like I could give Division a 6 or you could give Division a 9.
@GregoryBastards: Dude, it's just because developpers are really developping 8 games. They do the minimum to attract the crowd, but they don't want to push further to make it perfect, or even polished in most cases. But still the game is good and enjoyable... so 8 seems a fit. Also they need to give score based on it's genre/type. And despite the fact that Gamespot is releasing their review, it still only one person's review. Not a cumulated review accross all GS reviewers. BUT, it's an experienced reviewer, so it puts more weight in the balance.
Your feelings towards Division and Primal, nobody cares, especially not the GS rating system. Stop thinking that you can make your opinions the "ultimate truth".
The ultimate score to consider in my opinion is gamerankings.com. You can see trends, rather then valuating one game through one person's isolated review. And then you make your own opinion of "what value is an 8 to you".
Arguyle's comments