Haha don't go man. I live in SD, its bad news all around.buxboyagreed, its dangerous, really dangerous, people getting shot dangerous
Jet lee just because, well hes alive and bruce isn't. Guess they already fought eh? Though if they were both alive, bruce would win.hazukiwell put
what do you do when your bored in class somedays?my friends & i used to draw random crap..like this we drew about 7 years ago.SouthernPride10that was like yesterday you made that
Well of course they were gonna know shes a reporter, shes a woman, how stupid can she be :PConManWithGunTar and feather her!JustPlainLucasjust give her the ol one two
Okay everyone knows that Vick had some kind of illegal dog fighting championship in his house or whatever, and when his dogs lost, he drowned, shot, hung, or electrocuted them. I mean its not like they were cute dogs or anything, they're ruthless animals. EXAMPLE, Ving Rhames had 4 pitbulls that just mauled his own personal caretaker to death. Now should Vick really have his life DESTROYED for killing such a heartless animal that knows nothing but to kill? Your thoughts?Space_Cowboy7would we spare a killer if he killed and ugly fat girl instead of a model?
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