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Arthusbuttkick Blog

New World of Warcraft expansion and some new vlogs

Thats right! A new wow expansion. The Mists of Pandari!I'ts gonna be so freakin great!!! The new playable race are the pandas naturally. 8) It's like Kung Fu Panda has been brought into World of Warcraft. Already saving for the collectors edition. :P I have till New Years eve of next year, so there is no rush. Along with the pandas , there is a new contitent, a new **** and one thing that will make the Game!!! You will be able to dule with your little companions! 8) It's gonna be good. Appart from wow I'm also working on my christmas wish list! Also have to start shoping. :P

mystAs you can see it's been a few days since I've done a blog. Just haven't felt like it. :( Also I've done 2 Vlogs since my last blog. :D Here are the Links. Copy and paste as usual. ;) My second Vlog My third vlog A funny video of my wow account getting canceled. XD It is an act mind you. :P Anyway thats all for now.

With all due respect,

Silas Coggeshall

Halloween on WOW and some reading.

Greetigns. :) Thats right, All Hallows Eve on World of Warcraft. :D Been trick or treating all over 4 different continents. :lol: Got all the trick or treat buckets in almost 2 of the continents and have 2 more after that. :P I also love the special items you can get. I've gotten a mask for every wow race and have a jack o lantern helmet. :D

hllowI also have the pumpkin pet. :P Anyways.. Outside of gaming I have been reading an awesome book called the strain.

strainAs you can see it's a vampire book. (NOT TWILIGHT!! XP) lol It starts out an airplane landing in New York city. (everything happens in New York. :P) The plane is dead and no one can't contact ANYONE inside. Ther are to many spoilers so I'll leave it at that. I'm almost done with it. Then there are 2 more books to the series. :P Also I will be doing my next Vlog either tomarrow or Saturday. I'm leaning for Saturday. :) I also made a funny short film. It shows how working out and gaming don't mix well. :D

Copy and paste the link as usual. :) Any how. That pretty much it for now.

With all due respect,

Silas Coggeshall

My first Vlog.

Greetings! :D Well you guessed it. I've done my first vlog.

It's called the Titans Vlog - I - Introducing Myself. Hope you like it. I hope to improve at it. I say um wayyyyy to much. There are a number of other videos of my and VideoGamerNerd on my channel. So tell me what ya think. :D

You'll have to copy and paste the links. :P Thank ya.

With all due respect,

Silas Coggeshall

Spent all my B-Day Muney. :lol:

Greeting. :) It's been awile since my birthday , but I finally got to spend my Birthday money. :D For one I got three movies. V for Vendetta, Manchurian Candidate, and The Passion of Christ. I know these are all movies and no games, but since blue ray all the dvds at wal mart have been marked down REALLY low. I got each of those movies for $5.

dfdvfManchurian Candidate is a thriller/mystery, V an action movie, and The Passion is obviously the death of christ. I almost got Fallout 3, but wanted to get an opinion on if it were good or not. I've heard it's really glichy. Along with these movies I got most of what I need for my halloween costume.

hllowwcrdI'm goin to be the Phantom of the Opera. :D 8) Pretty good movie, but I get sick of it when my sis decides to watch it over and over again all day for about a week. :P I also restocked my paints and sketching pencils and will be doing some more art. 8) One more thing before I leave. I've heard of these eye glasses that are for gameing and are supposed to prtect your eyes wile playing. Not sure if their any good or not, but are worth looking into at least.

I'll see ya'll later. With all due respect,

Silas Coggeshall

A Recap on the VERY FIRST Games I've Ever Played, and Some More Drawings. :D

Greeting. :) Today I thought it would be fun to go over some of the VERY first games I've ever played. :D Most of them were SNES (super nintendo entertainment systum.) One of wich would be Super Mario World.

marioThis game is one of my favorite ****cs. My and my aunte VideoGamerNerd would spend sooo many hours playing this game every friday evening. Due to the fact that we were sucky gamers back then we took many days of gameplay to finnally beat it. Recently I dug it out and beat it in a matter of hours. :P This Mario retains all the ****c aspects of all the marios, but includes alot of new things. Such as being able to ride yoshi. Also pipe travel was more common and there were many secret levels.

The bosses are pretty good for their time and included unique ways to defeat them.

Another SNES game I played ALOT was Super StarWars.

super starwars

This game is rather challenging and is very fun to sit down and start playing. The bosses in here are difficult as you get closer to the end, and no matter if their animals, robots, or monsters they explode like a machine. :P Kinda dumb, but I thought it was cool back in the day. XD One of the bigger downsides to this game is you will eventually get your light saber, but you also can ungraid you blaster throughout the game, and once you have fully upgraide it it is by far better that the light saber. :P This also took me a long time to beat, but I was so pround when I did. :P Amog the many other SNES games I played were Star Fox, Clay Fighters, Chess Master (It is si EVIL!!!), Tiny Toons, and Vortex(It's evil too.)

The first Nintendo 64 game I played would be Army men. :D

army menI played this with a little more ease than the SNES games, and eventually mastered so well that everyone I knew just stoped playing the multiplayer with me. :( For a short time my uncle would try to figure out my method anbeat me, and he did get really good and finnally beat me. Then that was pretty much it. The campaign is very good to. Later on I got army men 2, Sarges war(Wich was so sad:P) and RTS.

Three others that me and my cousin played to no end (not to mention the games might as well have had no end.:P) Were Zelda Ocerana of Time, Maroi 64, and Donkey Kong.

threeNote I didn't get Majoro's Mask until recently. As for the other three games they are very addicting, but eventually get tedious. :P In mario and donkey kong you have to amass 200 either stars or for dk bannas. The tedious comment dose not apply to Zelda though, but it is VERY hard. At least for me. :( I'd often stay the night at my cousins and we play either DK 64 or mario 64 wile eating our multi-colored rice crispies.:lol: So those are some of the very first games I've ever played. Before I take my leave I will show ya all a random pic and some more drawings. :D

randomeThis is the randome pic! :D These ar ALL my games. 8) It's kinda old school, but I like it. Note that the blog might cut off part of the right side of the pic. :(

dragonI just framed this one today, and am still concidering weither I should paint it or not.:roll:

wowThis is a drawing of my prime world of warcraft character. I will be painting this one, and will share it with you all when it's done.

moonyou can't see this one too well but it turned out pretty good.

And last, but not least ONE more randome pic. :D

chairMy throne! 8)

Video game drawings.

Greeting! :D It's been awile since I've done any drawing but I want to rectify that and do some concept and illistration of some of the games I've been playing recently. One I would like to get started on is some dragon Age pics. I've already got some drawings done that I'll show you in just a sec. I also want to do some of World of Warcraft and D&D. The Dungeons and Dragons pic will be fun because I'll be illistrating my adventures from D&D that I've done with my friends. Here is a drawing I've done based on the World of Warcraft blue dragon flight. Sorry if the picture is blurry. I'm looking into buying a new scanner soon.

wowHere is what I did to my door. You probably can't see alot of it, but you get the idea. :)


As for what I'll draw next I'm kinda leaning for Dragon age, but if anyone has an idea as to what please let me know. :D Any way, I'm looking into spending my horde of cash on updateing my laptop so I can get some newer games. Not to sure as to what I'll get after that though. :P Later and thank you for readin.

With all due respect,

Silas Coggeshall. ps also click on comments to see the full pics. :P

My History of Following World of Warcraft...

Greetings my friends... :) For a number of years I've followed the Warcraft universe starting with the Trading Card Game. I started the MMO about a month ago. I favor the Horde and my primary character is a Blood Elf warlock on the realm of Kel'Thuzad. I have to say I was dissapointed with the graphic quality, but the gameplay and PVP is fantastic. I love the holidays and all the pet you can collect. Like I've said I have followed wow for awile. I also play alot of Warcraft III

warcraft IIISadly I've never purchased the frozen throne. :( Ever since I played through this Arthas has been my favorit wow character. Insted of working forward I worked back to the first Warcraft. They stedily got harder and I've not fineshed any of the Warcraft games accept the 3d. :P I've never been that good at RTS, but I like playing them. I've done a few drawings of Warcraft III. Sadly my drawings of Arthas and Kel'Thuzad were done on my door at the house we moved out of about a year ago. My mom wouldn't let me bring my door to the new house. >:( lol. I still have my drawing of the Illidan, though it's not fineshed being painted. :( I'll post the fineshed pic when I'm done. Here is what it looks like now.

illidanSorry. :( The full pic can be seen at my web site. Back to the MMO I sadly do not have a level 85 but will soon. I also have plenty of other collectables. One of my favorite ones is the Cataclizm collecters edition. :)

wow collectionI love doing dungeons and battle grounds. I hope to play wow for quite awile. Sadly though I am agreeing that I don't want a life. :P Thanks for reading. :)

With all due respect,

Silas Coggeshall.

Birthday Time.

Greetings my people.;) It's been awile since I've been bloging, but I hope that will end soon. It was my birthday last week and my two BIG gifts were this laptop and the internet. :D So that means no more trips to the library to play WoW. (World of Warcraft to you outsiders. :P) Besides my laptop and all I got plenty of other cool stuff. Some of you may already know my aunte. You'll know her as VGN or VideoGamerNerd. She decided she didn't want to see ever again and bought me Dragon Age Origins and the expansion the Awakening! :D

Dragon Age

I've been playin it non-stop. :P Bioware makes some of my favorite RPGs. Sadly I've only been able to play the older ones since I've been livin of Gamecube and ORIGINAL X-Box for ever. I actually really like my x box and game cube, but they stoped making new games for them a long time ago and it gets hard to find good used games. :P Getting back to the subject of dragon age I'm currently in the Deep Roads looking for the Paragon, and I've already done the quest for Redclife. For my first play through I'm going over all good, but I can't wait to be evil! >:) Along with plenty of birthday muny that I'll be useing to up my PCs ram I also got X-Men First ****and a bunch of WOW TCG cards.8)

xmenSorry bought the quality, but you can see my sock clearly. :P This x men in my opinion is the best one yet. Though Wolverine comes pretty close. I love how it bring all the characters together and how you find out how Eric and Charles met and became friends. Action wise it wasn't that great, espesially since I've seen Wolverine. Story wise it was fantastic. There was also a 10 second scene with wolverine! :P If you'r wondering what WOW TCG is it stands for World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. I've followed got among the cards was a loot card. You can scratch of the code and redeem it online and get relly cool in-game content. Mine was a mini lich pet. 8)

minilichPretty cool stuff. Any way that just about all for now. One more thing, it's pretty randome but I just wanted to post it. :P Go to and go to the prank wars page to see a cool video me, VGN, and my cousin made.

With all due respect,

Silas Coggeshall

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