@bluefox755 @ArticRecon Yes, nowing something is an actual human makes a huge difference psychologically. In real life, seeing whats left of a suicide bomber, guts, blood, limbs, brains, sooo much different. Or even the kid I saw once who got caught in the blast area of an IED. Even worse. I personally got hit by a suicide bomber and nearly lost my arm, had shrapnel penetrate my skull, and well got swiss cheesed in general all over. No health respawn.. lmao... (ya isnt that funny, but well... I have to have a sense of humor about it) seeing your "own" blood is even that much worse.. Waiting for death to possibly be imminent. Not a little red screen on your FPS..
I've played games with violent content starting with the much debated Mortal Kombat series looong ago. I also watched all the wild 80s action movies as a kid. All this exposure did NOT make experiencing real combat while in Iraq any less sensitive to real life brutality. Seeing a little blood made of pixels and pulling an imaginary trigger at an imaginary character is just that, fake.
The brain can distinguish this, same reason the uncany valley exists. The brain knows this thing on a TV is not a human. Even seeing images of war or watching a YouTube video some soldier recorded of an IED going off isn't "reality" so to speak. Your not actually there experiencing this first hand. With all the raw senses driving your limbic system into overdrive. Aiming a rifle at a car with people whose faces you can see and pulling the trigger.. ya... rather not have those memories. It was more survival instinct than "oh this is like a video game". Anyways... armchair QBs. shut up about this debate.
It's classic smart, supply/demand business. We allowed to them charge this much b/c we Wanted the service and will pay for it. They'll charge what they can get out of it. If their sales dropped as prices went up then they'd come back down. Just like most of you waste your money on a new CoD every year. They charge for something with barely any changes b/c they have a cash cow. Only way to remedy any of this is for players to start refusing to pay and not get the service. But will that happen, doubtful. The lure of online is just too great, it's an addiction. How many of you will just stop playing MP in protest?
@G_Maff b/c it's uncomfortable and the world wants something to point a finger at to resolve their anger and outrage through. I think it's a psychological thing with those who are finger pointing every which direction.
Everybody wants to assign a reason to the incident. There is no reason other than he was mentally unstable and had a parent who was too stupid to lock up her weapons. Better ban Mario.. stomping those mushrooms is pretty violent. I remember in the 90s when Mortal Kombat was the target of violent video game controversy. It was stupid then and it's stupid now. One day our lawmakers will be our generation and will "get it" and this will all be over. The day we have a Prez who is a FPS fan will be a great day for gamers. lol
Don't use twitter, FB only thing I will miss is being able to scan your friends for your friends gamertags. Other than that never used it. We all have our smartphones to check FB why would we waste our Live time fumbling with the sloppy interface it had.FB makes its money with ads and zynga games, neither of which are part of Xbox FB, so they aren't losing out on the deal, they prob don't give a #*$&.
I AM a cyborg, real life, seriously. I had half my skull removed in Iraq b/c of a severe head injury. Which now is replaced with an acrylic/titanium plate. Also I have an electronic stimulator in my back for spinal nerve injuries. Also I wear hearing aids. Yup, we cyborgs already exist ; )
ArticRecon's comments