It's a GAME, real war isn't a game. Wouldn't be much fun if you died in the game once and was never able to replay the game ever again. That would be realism.
HORRIBLE idea.. That was always the allure to the Elder Scrolls.. the non-beat your head against the wall repetive combat. The detailed quests with good story lines. Sick of multiplayer. I like a good single player journey i.e. SKYRIM. eh..
Lets face it. Call of Duty is the new Madden. Slap some "new features" on it and maybe a newer plot preface on it, but at the core, it's the same *(&@ over and over. At this rate, if the Madden series is any indicator, our grand kids will be awaiting the release of Call of Duty, 20th anniversary edition. BF at least is changing engines to reach out with their destructible environments and vehicles.. They haven't branched out much either to be honest, but there is at least a few improvements. When was the last game engine change for CoD?? Why someone is still shelling out $60 for a new game when essentially your gaining a new map pack I dunno... I saw a report that players have collectively logged something like 177000 years playing CoD. Good god! Have we all gone mad?? What are we really doing to ourselves here... I think that at least 176999 years could have gone into producing something other than the status quos, lol. WTF.. I think I'll just go waste some time in Skyrim and at least look at something different rather than the same corridors and doorways for hours at a time. We're all turning into monkeys chasing a banana on a stick. Call it for what it is... People making tons of money on the nature of cognitive control. Come up for some air!
I think as gamers continue to age thinking of video games as a "kid thing" will go away. Myself and most of my gamer friends are in the age 30-40 group. I'm not condoning a pent house channel on Xbox Live, but if it fits in the story whatever. I was playing LA Noire the other day and noticed the naked lady in one of the cases who was beaten and raped. Fits the "realism" of the game and actual detective work cases. Is it something a 12 year old gamer should see?? Of course not. Is it up to the game industry to control every single gamers disc drive? No, that's on the parents. Kids can get on the internet and access every kind of sex act imaginable in .3 seconds. In the mean time, worry about making good games...
I think as gamers continue to age thinking of video games as a "kid thing" will go away. Myself and most of my gamer friends are in the age 30-40 group. I'm not condoning a pent house channel on Xbox Live, but if it fits in the story whatever. I was playing LA Noire the other day and noticed the naked lady in one of the cases who was beaten and raped. Fits the "realism" of the game and actual detective work cases. Is it something a 12 year old gamer should see?? Of course not. Is it up to the game industry to control every single gamers disc drive? No, that's on the parents. Kids can get on the internet and access every kind of sex act imaginable in .3 seconds. In the mean time, worry about making good games...
I think as gamers continue to age thinking of video games as a "kid thing" will go away. Myself and most of my gamer friends are in the age 30-40 group. I'm not condoning a pent house channel on Xbox Live, but if it fits in the story whatever. I was playing LA Noire the other day and noticed the naked lady in one of the cases who was beaten and raped. Fits the "realism" of the game and actual detective work cases. Is it something a 12 year old gamer should see?? Of course not. Is it up to the game industry to control every single gamers disc drive? No, that's on the parents. Kids can get on the internet and access every kind of sex act imaginable in .3 seconds. In the mean time, worry about making good games...
Modern handhelds=irrelevant In our modern smartphone era, why bother spending your hard earned 250 on a DS? Ya a smartphone won't have a 3D system and games as good, but who cares. Unless your 8 and your stuck in your parents car on a trip who gives a flip. If I want to play a 3D game, I'll go home to my shiny 3D tv I chucked out so much cash for. With much better games no less. I predict in the next five years that handhelds will go out of existence. Unless nintendo/sony/etc turn them into a kid version of a smartphone. I grew up playing the 1st gen game boy, which now feels so long ago. Amazing for it's leap forward. I think cell phones then were only for the extremely rich and were huge! We'll see where this all ends up. I predict FAIL
Awesome, but PC gaming is coming to an end. Graphics are catching up on consoles. Consumers want to play on their expensive 50+ in LED 1080p TVs. Kids want to play Guitar Hero etc, peripherals that PC doesnt use. Wii is the segment for very young kids. There is no social network built into PC online such as FB, Twitter, etc. With Natal we will see if it is overhyped junk, or something more that will become another bar that PC prob won't achieve. I hate to say it as a PC player from way back when it was THE standard. But those days are ending. Programmers aren't even writing games for that kind of hardware anyways. Crysis 2 on 360? PC games are destined to become Farmvilles, etc.... Just my thoughts..
Awesome, but PC gaming is coming to an end. Graphics are catching up on consoles. Consumers want to play on their expensive 50+ in LED 1080p TVs. Kids want to play Guitar Hero etc, peripherals that PC doesnt use. Wii is the segment for very young kids. There is no social network built into PC online such as FB, Twitter, etc. With Natal we will see if it is overhyped junk, or something more that will become another bar that PC prob won't achieve. I hate to say it as a PC player from way back when it was THE standard. But those days are ending. Programmers aren't even writing games for that kind of hardware anyways. Crysis 2 on 360? PC games are destined to become Farmvilles, etc.... Just my thoughts..
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