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I'm guessing that drinking blood is a major factor in the gameplay.

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Bushnell's entitled to his opinions, but I don't understand why this is worthy of front page news.

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Edited By Asagea_888

Absolutely disgusting that these people have treated her in this manner for simply stating an opinion. Whether you agree with her viewpoints or not, she is someone among a fair-minded group of people who invest so much of their time and energy in bringing these games to us---the gamers. And this is the thanks they get from them? I have truly seen the absolute worst in people.

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Edited By Asagea_888

The manner of this article was harsh, but in some ways, he does have a point. The launch titles could have been a lot better, and I was honestly expecting to see Zelda 3D and Dead or Alive Dimensions among the line-up. Among the majority of people I know who got the 3DS early, they say Super Street Fighter IV 3DS Edition was the highest rated launch game to get with the unit. They also express hope of a stronger library of games to be released in the coming months. He has the right to his opinions, but the manner in how he did it here bothers me. This is a GameSpot staffer, and I'm surprised by his attitude. First off, he calls us "fanboys" and "crazy early-adopters". Although this may not have been his intention, he pins a somewhat negative label on people who got the 3DS on launch day (myself included) and genuinely enjoy the system in spite of everything, and rightfully so. I mean, you can say whatever you want about the 3DS, but cut the people who bought it some slack. You seem to suggest that they didn't make an intelligent decision when they got the 3DS the day it launched. Instead of giving us negative labels, you should acknowledge that the folks who got the 3DS are happy with the unit as it stands and waiting patiently for the stronger library of games to come. I agree with some of the points he made in the article, but I'm not happy with his overall tone. I think it's hostile and confrontational. He can say whatever he wants, but coming off as a lightning rod to upset people is unnecessary.

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Edited By Asagea_888

The Saturn had so much potential to be a true competitor, but Sega had to screw it all up with a surprise launch that not only hurt its bottom line, but also angered many of its third-party supporters enough to pull away from developing games for it; especially EA. The PlayStation owned it big time with excellent third-party support, a diverse portfolio of launch titles, and a lower price point.

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Edited By Asagea_888

You're speaking my language. I think it's a wonderful idea. I grew up in the days of video games old and am amazed at how far they've come since then. And they still continue to amaze me every day. But it's always nice to offer a retrospective of the industry and the major players who helped shape it to what it is now.

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