Ok this question is mainly for PC gamers (but console owners can reply as well), do any of you feel that new games are lacking in the graphics department? I remember the first time I loaded up Far Cry and Doom 3 and being amazed at the graphics in those games(also HL2 to an extent). Since then I have played most of theso called "graphical monsters"(from F.E.A.R andBF2to PDZ, GeOW and just recently Bioshock) and although these newer games do look better the gap isn't as large as the 3 games I mentioned from 2004 and all other games released previous to them.
Take Bioshock for example the game looks nice but does it really look that much better then Doom 3? Some of the textures are pretty crappy and although the water is the best in any game to date it looks shoddy when its flowing down the stairs, it doesn't move when I swing my wrench through it, and the splash effects from shooting/ hitting it on the ground still looks like a 2D sprite.
Anyway I'm going to end my rant here as its 5:24 AM. So yeh do new games impress you the same way Far Cry, Doom 3 and HL2 did back in 2004?
lol yes i do, ppl think the UNREAL ENGINE 3 games have good graphics, but they dont, KILLZONE 2 has good graphics, Crysis has GOOOD graphics, and HEAVY RAIN.....wow just wow that is godlike!!!! hahwhen i played Fear i was like WTF is this BS lol...ne ways i cant wait for those 3 titles, maybe it will help set the true standards
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