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Astaritobril Blog

Final Fantasy Mania

This is just a short post. I'm so close to being done with FF7 Crisis Core. I hope there is a new "mode" or something that opens up when I get done.

I just downloaded Grandia from the PSN. I have it on the PSP now but haven't really touched it yet. I really, really tried to play FF8 again but just couldn't do it. I really don't like that game. I'm sure they will release FF9 on the PSN, it wouldn't make sense not too, and that I cannot wait for. I think that is fun game.

I've preordered FF13 and paid in full. That is going to be a fun game I'm sure. I've also been playing through White Knight Chronicles. It's a really easy game that you can pick up and put down in a short span of time which is something I really like.

Well, time for me to go.

EA Made Good...

So after many back and forth emails with EA Customer Support (and two Support surveys) they finally fixed by broken account. I'm not going to go into great detail like my last post but when they say that once you log into the game (PS3 version) it's stuck with that account, they mean it.

They had to activate the armor on my EA master account because that is the one I logged into the game with. Once they did that (which took some work to get to that point) everything else fell into place. I've now been playing Dragon Age with all the benefits I purchased in my Ultimate Edition.

This game is incredible. It's so much fun to play. The graphics are really behind the curve but everything else so makes up for it. I'm really glad I made this purchase. And I may even buy another EA game in the future...

Not really happy with EA right now...

So I got a copy of Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Collectors Edition for the PS3 this Christmas. It comes with some free and exlcusive stuff so I was really pumped to have it. One of the items, Blood Dragon Armor, requires you to enter the code online after creating an account with EA/Bioware.

I logged in my account while the game was installing to the PS3 and entered my code. When you start Dragon Age it asks you to log into their servers, they keep an online record of your character that others can see. What they don't tell you onilne, is that there is a limit to how many characters the PS3 allows you to enter for your email address. Mine is one character too long.

Thinking I had made a mistake I tried logging in again, only this time I actually put in my EA Master Account information which it gladly accepted. Problem is the armor is tied to my EA/Bioware login. Now, that Master Account info is tied to my PSN account and cannot be undone.

Basically, I'm now forever screwed out of the Blood Dragon Armor. As you can imagine, I'm pretty upset.

Demon's Souls

I've been waiting what seems like an eternity for this game and now that it's out... I can't buy it. The powers that be have stripped me of my money. Stripped is a strong word. It's not like my money is being wasted. I have bills to pay and family to take care of. It's just that we had some unexpected things come up and for some reason I didn't put money aside for this one. Oh well, hopefully I'll have it in two weeks.

Atlus did put up a Wiki for the game tonight (the night before launch). I was reading it and even though it's mostly empty they seeded it with a lot of great information. I'll be watching it fill up for sure. I think that is a great idea for a game. Sacred 2 has one and it's been extremely helpful for me when it comes to character building.

I purchased Persona for the PSP. That games takes me back. They cleaned up the story, I think, I could just be older so it's easier for me to follow. There are a lot of random battles and I haven't yet figured out why I can't summon a persona but I'm working on it. I'll post more depending on how far I get in the game.

I also picked up Resistance: Fall of Man. It was hard to pass up for $20. The game is fun but at times feels a little bit repetitive (but only a little bit, it's a good game). The graphics aren't that great but if I remember right this was a PS3 launch title so I'll give them some slack. I'm looking forward to playing Resistance 2.

Sometimes I actually finish a game...

Usually when I purchase a new game I'll play it for while and then put it down for another within three to four weeks. My wife calls this "Gaming ADD", and she could be on to something...

But I would like to say here and now that I bought Killzone 2 last week and beat it last night. Only on standard difficulty but thats fine with me. I can safely say that I loved this game and will probably give it a 10 when I rate it very soon.

Sidenote: Killzone 2 is a short game, I beat it in under 11 hours which fits nicely into my "Gaming ADD" mentioned earlier.

I can't say exactly why it's so great. I'm not a game reviewer, I just like what I like. This game did keep a great pace and I always felt a little tense about the situations I was in. Those are probably the biggest factors, oh, and of course the game is gorgous. One thing I didn't like is the amount of swearing. Sometimes it felt forced like it was only in there because they could do it.

Anyway, now that it's done I picked up Sacred 2. Maybe I'll finish it, probably won't, but I know I'll have fun while it lasts!

Shatter on the PSN...

I downloaded this and Fat Princess the other day. Shatter is fantastic. I never thought I would play another "brick breaker" type game again. The game looks really good and the sound track is amazing. Their level design is much better than I expected and the price is just right.

Fat Princess is fun too but I haven't spent nearly enough time with it to write something up here. I will say that it's the most fun I've ever had running around and dying a LOT!

I like working, it lets me buy stuff.

But at the same time it takes away from the time I have to enjoy the things I've purchased. So how do I get around that? The PSP, of course.

I bring some games with me in UMD format, which is nice, but there are some really great ones that are available for download on the PSN. Those games, plus the 16GB Pro Duo I purchased (and the PSP's ability to "hibernate", no save? No problem!) have really made it my system of choice this year.

I've recently purchased some of my favorite RPG's of old on the PSN. They would be Final Fantasy VII , Suikoden, Wild Arms and Wild Arms 2. And I'm hoping to see Suikoden 2 before mid-fourth quarter. I don't know anything about release dates for it, I just have my fingers crossed. I say mid fourth quarter because I'll be playing Persona on the PSP pretty soon here.

I think for once my life happened to coincide with game release dates. I've done a lot of traveling since January and each time I approached the end of a title another has been there waiting for me. The PSP has never failed to put a smile on my face and help me pass the time.

I've been busy.

I haven't been playing many games. My second 360 died and I've decided not to buy another one. My PS3 is still running great and has some great games (I do have the model that is backwards compatable, this helps it a lot). I think if I played more online games I might feel more pull to replace the Xbox but to be honest, I'm just not missing it.

I picked up Phantasy Star Portable. Don't ask me why, but I like this game and it's bigger brother PS Universe. I think it's better on the portable system because their game flow is made to be picked up, played for a while and then put down. Both games have highly repetive "levels" to me. Even when the backgrounds change it still feels like the same level with different monsters to beat. Maybe this is why it's so easy to put down and pick back up...?

Christmas is over...

But I just spent my first round of gift cards. I picked up Metal Gear Solid 4. This game is a lot of fun but has this strange mix of cutscene and gameplay. No complaints, but at first it's a little weird.

I've also been spending time with Rock Band 2. I've never played any of the guitar games, this is my first one. In reality, my wife wanted this one, she hasn't played it hardly at all (I've more than made up for her lack of attention).

I also have Silent Hill Origins on the PSP. It's almost like playing the first game with better graphics. Nothing stands out so far, I just started, but the sounds are good and it does have a creepy feeling to it. I've always been a fan of Silent Hill so I could be biased about this one.

Star Ocean on the PSP...

Gotta love it. This game is great fun. I am so looking forward to the next one. Hopefully I'll be all done here by then. I have a lot to learn yet about this game. I dived right in without reading a single item from a walkthrough of instruction booklet. I think that actually makes this more fun me.

Anyway, I have more playing to do!

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