Yeah thats right, I created a doomed topic. Full of ranting about the things that annoy you. Your pet peeves. I'll start.
The things that really annoy me are
1.) When someone knocks on the door multiple times as if it increases their chances of me giving a care. One knock is enough but when they start playing a whole song on my door I just start to hate the person even if I know them.
2.) Alarm clock. Yeah it could be argued that an alarm clock is suppose to be annoying, thats how it wakes you up right? But why not have a very loud sound that wakes you up with out making you want to kill someone? That annoying buzzing takes its toll on you sooner or later "Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz". I wish I had an alarm clock that had the option to play music instead, but alas I am to laze, my own fault I suppose.
3.) People who phone for the most annoying reasons. I'm 19 so I still live at my parents house...for now. But my mother tends to phone only to ask if anyone else has phoned. Now this isn't a problem but, when she phones 10 minutes later and askes AGAIN if anyones phoned, well you get my point?
4.) When someone repeats something 2 or more times as if I didn't hear them. It really annoys me when someone just continues to talk, repeating them self and not letting my comment on anything. It doesn't really make me go insane but have some respect for the other person, we get it! We don't need to hear it a 2nd time or 4th time for the matter.
5.) And now my final annoy. When someone takes something so seriously that they say they are going to die and they can't live, but in reality the problem is so small that if they just tried to deal with their problems it would be ok. I'm not talking about family members dying or anything because thats serious and you might need to talk to someone but I'm talking about when someone in high school in grade 9, gets a boyfriend or girl friend and in 2 days they break up and the one starts saying how they are worthless and need to die, geez...just..I don't know, I still try to help them but give me a break.
Anyway, what are your top 5 things that annoy you?
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