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Aumala Blog

I'm In Pain

Oh ****, today I woke up with a damn pain on my back. My spine hurts so much right now, so I didn't went to school. Even though I didn't go to school, for me staying at is no paradise, I got nothing better to do, specially when my back hurts like hell. I can't even take a deep breath. It's seems like my weekend just went down the toilet. Today after school I was gonna play call of duty with teh big dogs, but I don't think I'll be able to go, and tomorrow is my best mate's birthday party. I hope that by tomorrow I'll be fine. Riht now I'm extremely bored, I'll guess I'll to see what can I do.

So I just heard that good ol' Jeff got fired. That sucks, and just for giving his damn opinion about a game that had flooded GS with publicity. That just sucks, this is corruption, one of the things that I hate the most. Right now I could just make a wall of text bashing GS, but I too tired from the pain to do it, so I guess here ends the blog post.

I'm Running Free, Yeah!! I'm Running Free!

You may ask why have I taken a line from one of maiden's greatest hit, but today finally I'm out of that prision you people like to call Lv20 Metal Slime. Even though Metal Slime sounds like a cool nameit gets boring quickly and Lv 20 is long as hell! you only advance like%2.50 per day. It took me bit longer since i got modded when I was like %30 and they substracted %15 :cry: but anyway I 'm free! I'm Lv 21!

Today I feel like writing some more, yeah maybe I don't got anything better to do:P. So Recently I've checked out a few that ruleextremely hard, like Atheist's Unquestionable Prescence,Symphony X's Paradise Lost, Severed Savior's Brutality is theLaw, Behemoth's Thelema 6, and my Personal Favorite: Michael Angelo's No Boundaries. Man Is there anything this man can't do? The man can shred at the speed of light making people like Yngwie Malmsteem look like blues Guitarists. And the man really knows how to write soft, slow-paced songs! That's a great balance, he can pwn anyguitarist that's still alive.

Changing Subject This weekend was my friend's birthday and he invited us to play soccer. It was a pretty cool day, but we were lot's of players and we weren't well organized so it was hard to find a team and when you will play, or that you have to wait 2 more matches, stuff like that. It pretty much slowed us down. this is why I could only play 2 matches :( but those 2 ruled! Here in Latin America we do know how to play soccer we can pwn any of you americans, europeans, asians, all!

So to finish this little blog I leave you an Image of Michael Angelo:

Addicted to Yahoo Answers

So today I made a Yahoo Answer account:D. Man that site owns! It's really funny to make stupid answers, but hey stupid questions deserve stupid answers right :lol: too bad i can only make 20 answers per day since I'm lv 1, that sucks :( I even posted a whole exam so I don't have to make it(teh lazy!) What is it such a crime?:P So what do you guys think of it?

Halloween: Worst day of my life:(

Please don't get me wrong, I love Halloween, but things today went way wrong. Yesterday (day before Halloween) My Laguage arts teacher spend the whole hour saying that we shouldn't celebrate halloween because it's the day of "evil" in which satanic tribes sacrifice people and animals(yes, she's extremely Christian). that really pissed me off:evil:
Today(halloween) I had Math Quiz, I was extremely prepared and I sucked, I could only make 1 exercise, and it wasn't only me, the whole **** that really sucked. My mom wnet to talk with my social studies teacher. My teacher called her becuase it was the 3rd homework that I didn't. That suck I'm an excelent student on social studies I even got 100/100 on the last exam. The worst thing is that my mom found out that I was an atheist and she is extremely pissed off. I don't know who told her that, this mysterious guy even old her that I was in satanic stuff. Damn I'm Screwed, when my mom gets home.....(I don't even want to think about it). A couple of hours ago I was playing Haol with my friend through the internet. I was owning him when laggs started to appear and my mouse stopped working. I was extremely mad about it!!! I started to throw chairs to the ground like crazy!!
And now I'm here at home, it's 7:09, My halloween is almost over and I don't have anything good to do, my life just sucks.

My day wasn't extremely bad at least i talked to my history teacher during recess and I showed him my Emperor CD"In The Nightside Eclipse" He really liked it, he even copied it to his computer. Hiss ****is is always fun, he likes to put some led zeppelin on the speakers while we work. during computer science **** my teacher allowed us to play Halo, I owned the whole ****in the first 2 matches, even the teacher:twisted: the other two, my friend won, it was mainly becuase the girl next to me couldn't stop talking and that distracted me.

So thins was my day of Halloween I hope yours wasn't as bad as mine. At least tomorrow there's no school and you know what they say: There's Always another year:)

Online Gaming is a Blessing!

The Internet has contributed a lot to video games, it has broken national borders to play with gamers all over the world. It has allowed us to make things such as tournaments or clans so you don't have to play alone or stick with your boring friends.

Let's start with the PC. the PC was one of the first platforms to include online gaming. With FPS all over the place like Call of Duty, Unreal Tournament and many other cool games that were awesome to play in multiplayer. MMORPGs were also great. Games like World of Warcraft or Ragnarok Online were addictive as any drug, but with one big difference, they were legal. The fact that you could play multiplayer with people from places that never been not even in your wildest dreams was simply amazing.
The Playstation 2, Xbox and Gamecube Included online gaming too. They were just like PC using multiplayer as the main use of the Internet. The Gamecube really blowed with Online Gaming, It had a few games that you could play online, and somehow it didn't appealed to many gamecube owners. However, the PS2 and the Xbox did a great job, incluiding a hell lot of games that incleded online play.

After the big consoles enjoyed online play, hand-helds needed some of it too. That when the DS and the PSP came out. the DS has only a few Wi-Fi games, and the lack of good First person shooters blows hard, but there great games that you could play Wi-Fi, theonly problem was that if you didn't had a wireless router or a Wi-Fi USB connector you had to hang out at McDonald's, which isn't really cool. There were great multiplayer games out there like mario kart and metroid prime hunters, but Tony Hawk's American Sk8land offered something new, you could download boards and graffitis in the website that you could use in the game, it was something new for a hand-held, as well as Animal Crossing, which allowed you to visit a friend's farm using friend codes. Ttheothhe PSP did pretty much the same thing using wi-fi connection, and you could even surf the web with it. The PSP was great because unlike the DS, it offered a great variety of First person shooters, as well as sports.

The Next Gen consoles did a Magnificent job with online game. The wii, Xbox 360, and the PS3 offered something new, not only multiplayer but you could download stuff, like demos or games, like in the Xbox or Wii, which included old-school games to download. You could even download new songs for guitar hero. Multiplayer was getting even better like in the upcoming Need for Speed ProStreet, which allows you to upload you best ghost, so your friends can download it and try to beat it.

What else are Next Gen Consoles do with Online Gaming?We have to wait to see what can the next gen consoles can do with the Internet. who knows how might the next generation will be? How Online gaming be?We will have to sit down and wait.

Wireless Router!!w00t!!!

Yeah!! My sister got a wireless router for her laptop, abd I can use it to play wi-fi with my DS, since my USB conector desappeared. so if anyone wants to challenge me in mario kart, or metroid prime hunters, fell free to PM me, but I haven't touched my DS in ages so my 1337 skills are probably gone:( and I still have one more week with my cast so, can't play in my DS, but I can play on my GC, I can continue playing metroid prime echoes!! My thumb is somewhat healed so it doesn't hurt when it touches the control stick, but the cast makes it somewhat diffilcult to move or aim, but no challenge can beat me!! I can't play guitar, but I can practice tapping:D My death growls are improving, they have their unique sound, now I can scare the crap out of my friends:twisted: This are great ******* news!! I don't really have anything more to say so, my blog post ends here...


Bad news, The other day, I was playing basketball with a friend. He tried to make a 3-point, but the ball hit the ring and it bounced back to my thumb with great speed. It really hurt but I kept playing, since I thought it was nothing serious, after a few few minutes it started to feel weird and I went home, then the pain became more intense, so when I got home I put some Ice on it. That took the pain away for the day. I Couldn't finish my math homework so the next day I skipped the math class to tell the school nurse about my thumb. She said that it could be a broken bone and I needed to see a real doctor, well to make this shorter, when the ball hit the thumb, it made the bone move back, instead of being in the center, if the ball had pushed the bone a little bit harder, my bone could come out. Now I have cast, in my whole left hand(I'm lefty btw). Now I must have the cast for 2 weeks. And I must learn to write with my right hand(Behold teh ambidextrous!!!) and I can't play any videogames or basketball for 2 weeks. and I can't play guitar or Drums! I'm so ****** up:(

The DS and FPS

The Nintendo DS's touch screen and and online playare a great tools for FPS games, but why are there only 3 FPS game?Goldeneye, MetroidPrimeHunters, and Bionicle heroes. Goldeneye had the worst controls ever, MP:H had a great online play, but the 1 person play wasn't that good, besidesmetroid prime is more like a First Person Adventurenot an FPS,and Bionicle heroes seems more like a kiddy game, and lacked online play. A touch screen is great for aiming, and is fun as hell to play an FPS online with your buddies, but there is no decent FPS game for the DS. Why isn't there a company who can make an decent FPS for the DS, I'm not asking for ******* great FPS like Gears of Wars or Halo, just a game with good graphics, decent controls that make it fun, online play, and a lenghty storyline, is that too much too ask?? I mean it's a simple idea that can become the DS's bestselling game, the DS can give us more that just puzzle game, it can become the best console for FPS. The DS has almost 3 years and, only 3 FPS games, that aren't really good. I understand that Nintendo doesn't like violent games on its consoles, but FPS games are extremely fun don't need to be violent(ok maybe the blood effects, make it a little bit more fun, but they aren't neccesary). The DS has only a few games that have scored more that 9 on GS, and a few were overrarted such as nintedogs and mario kart, well mario kart wasn't really overrated but GS gave it a great score just because it was the first game to feature online, The DS really needs some good FPS games

1000 posts!

I've finally reached my milestone, but still this is pretty low, I have to keep on posting!

Saratoga Concert

Last weekend I went to Quito(Ecuador's Capital City) to watch one of the best spanish heavy metal bands ever SARATOGA. I was awesome. The concert was at 18h00 and the doors opened at 17h00, I was waiting since 15h00. I was really bored. 2 hours waiting outside the theater, but at least I got great seats. at 18h00 an Ecuadorian Metal band called Resistencia played 6 tracks. These guys ruled hard, the guitarist had some insane solos. At 19h00 Saratoga appeared. Everybody went insane, mosh started, they were only pushing though, but sometimes I was pushed by both left and right sides and that hurt. sometimes the guy in front of me had long hair and it wentinside my mouth, I don't really want to remember that:( Saratoga came with a new vocalist and guitarist and nobody has heard them live before, the former singer had a beautiful voice and everybody thought this new kid would suck, but he was even better, and they were playing all of their best tracks, it ruled!!!
All this week I've been extremely busy at school with stupid long homeworks, and I couldn't log into GS the whole week, some of you may have notice, I hope this long homework madness ends this week or at least this month so I can get back to posting madness:P!!!