HAHA.. I find this amusing.. well the whole thread isWell considering I'm 23 and I hit on almost all good looking 40+ year old women that come into the grocery store I work in, I don't see anything wrong with it. Although I'm also into younger girls and girls the same age as me so....As long as it's a chick idc lol.
Aureliamoon's forum posts
Is it her time of the month?
Honestly, would a son even know that kind of thing?? I think not. I would sooner stuff my own ears with tampons then attempt to discuss my mothers menstrual cycle.
my mom always told me when it was her time of the month. You must not be close to her or she would share these delightful little bits of knowledge with you. ...hahahaha dear god lolYou should have put her name in the title at least...I didn't knwo her name at the time. haha.. yeah I wouldn't tell him :P But then he called me out anyways >=/[QUOTE="cryptosopoidium"][QUOTE="BumFluff122"]
This thread is actually here to pull someone who I invited to the Gamespot forums to post in it. She is kind of shy though.
Well I came to OT in 2009.... But I have been a member of gamespot for like 50 years. I'm pretty sure that isn't possible..[QUOTE="Aureliamoon"] haha busted.. so now you should be getting bit and not me :DBumFluff122
:| *cough*[QUOTE="Teenaged"]
[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]*points and laughs at the newbie*
Attention everyone! Bumfluff joined in 2009...
uh oh... *runs and hides* haha busted.. so now you should be getting bit and not me :D[QUOTE="Aureliamoon"]Well... I guess I got use to that lolOmni-Slash...hawt....:oops:... :lol: HAHAHA.. indeed
...the girlfriend claim is being disputed...but no one is saying no to the biting...:lol:Omni-SlashWell... I guess I got use to that lol
[QUOTE="Aureliamoon"][QUOTE="Head_of_games"]Wait, so BumFluff invited his girlfriend onto GS and we are supposed to bite her? Head_of_gamesLOL.. I'm pretty sure I'm not his girlfriend Congratulations! When was the wedding? ... There isn't one lol
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