[QUOTE="omerhe"] Remember that all of that Cerberus attacks can be blocked, except for the fire-balls. I suggest getting up close with the hammer and spamming /\,/\. I like using RotT when he starts shooting fireballs since he rarely hits if you're close enough.
~The quadruple fireballs can be parryed or simply avoided. Strafing around him whilst preparing to deal damage suits me best.
His flamethrower is dangerous even though it can be blocked entirely. He'll keep going for it if you immediately close the distance between the two of you after he finishes doing that attack
If you need to, play it safe with simply uses of the Hammer (triangle, triangle) while blocking his attacks in stage 1. After he swallows the Golden Fleece, activate RotT and go ape**** on him with triangle triangle hits. They are STRONGER the "Might of the King". (L1+triangle) His damage is negligable. Just keep hammering away.
NOTE: Get used to his attack patterns (physical strikes in sets of two) and try to get away from the need to roll for evasion. Instead learn to deal with/anticipate all attacks without rolling so you can optimize Hammer PWNAGE.
ok I got past him, like I said, I was just tired the first time. Got thru him after a few tries.. (I did try to run and anticipate his attacks due to not being able to roll for evasion - that SUCKS by the way.. *sigh* i like bein able to roll to evade... it was like a handicap not being able to.. smh) in any case.. im up to the medusa chick.. which is a tougher fight then I had anticipated.. she has gotten me a few times I have to admit.. Im doing all the blocking and using the Fleece to send back her ray, then I hammer her till my fingers bleed when she is on the columns.. again using the fleece to evade her ray... but its that third part when she is back on the floor that always gets me.. I just run out of health by then.. but Im going to keep on trying...
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