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Author_of_Fate Blog

...I only have 9 reviews?

Well, earlier today I was looking at my icons, and I noticed I didn't ahve the one for writing 15 reviews... I'm 6 reviews short. Thus, I have decided to refuse to follow the masses and refuse to write those 6 reviews. It's my little way of rebelling.

Oh, and as it turns out, I'm not going to visit my cousin tonight... That'll be tomorrow night instead...

Hmm.... I feel alone on Frother's blog ._. Doesn't anybody agree with me?

*Sigh* heart attacks should die...

Since I doubt I've tolld any of you this, I have a really rich cousin who does figure 8 races and stuff...

Well, on Friday night, he was racing, finished first, but as he was leaving the track, he had a heart attack and got into a really bad accident... He's on life support and in intensive care... I'm going to visit him tomorrow... by the sounds of things, they're not certain if he'll make it...

So I won't be on tomorrow night...

Proof people like me shouldn't have free speech

Well, my first article has been posted. It's kinda short, and I'm not in too much of a ranting mood, but I felt it needed to be said. Anyway, here's the link:

Hopefully it works...

Well, I got my grades in the mail yesterday... All A's, and an A+ in English... there wasn't even an A-...

Not really much else to say....

umm.. I got 6 new songs on Rock Band... and I totally murdered my wrist again.... I should do an article on how annoying that is sometime... it'd be short though... whatever..

I've been playing pokemon diamond a lot lately... I've gotten my Glaceon up to lvl 81... it was 5 on monday...

Driver's ed has been... ok.... not bad, but not good either...

oh, I'm pretty sure my school's haunted now, considering me and one of my friends both SWEAR we saw people or things (I saw a large area of black reflected in a mirror that moved about second after I saw it) that weren't there... We felt like we were being watched too... twas freaky as hell...

Green grass and high tides forever... I hate that f*cking song

If any of you have played rock band, you know why I said that. I'm pretty sure I've permanantly damaged my wrist on those goddamned solos...

Anyway, onto some marginally more interesting stuff.

I'm working on creating a site right now. It's called Author Uncensored, and it's pretty much a blog where I rant about whatever is pissing me off at that precise moment. I'll try not to be too offensive with some of the stuff I say on it, but I won't make any promises.... Anyway, if any of you are interested in reading the terrible articles that will surely appear on it, I'll post a link in my next blog.

*rubs wrist* I should probably go to a doctor to get this checked out... I haven't played the game in four hours and it still hurts like hell...

My aunt and two cousins are coming to visit tomorrow... My uncle and (other) grandpa went to Canada on a fishing trip.... They get back on Saturday... Regrettably, this means I can't play Rock Band 24/7 and I'll have to spend time with them... *sigh* They're 3 and 1... So annoying...

umm... I hope that made sense...

Oh yeah, there's been a LOT of huge storms here lately. There's severe flooding all over the state... One river is expected to get about 30 feet higher than usual, and it runs through downtown of a major city... They've already had to evacuate... Apparenty, there's only floods like this once every 500 years or so... It's broken and far surpassed almost every record in the state...

Seriously, check this video out:


I'll post more videos and pics and stuff later if I find them

Only once have I wanted to die more than then...

Before I talk about the title, I first want to explain the last blog.

BAsically, I got sick of my grandpa, and basically made every electronic in the house completely unusable (don't ask me how, I'd rather not discuss that). I would fix them all IF he would leave me alone. My grandma found out first though, and she got me to fix everything... so he never found out... (honestly, I was hoping he'd get so pissed he'd punch me so I could get him sent to jail =D)

Anyway, about the title. Today for the first time in years, I went to the park and just swung for about an hour. I was listening to my ipod. It was raining and occasionally lightning. I'm not sure why, but I wanted to swings to be struck by lightning... I mean, that's all I could really think about... It'd be so awesome, swinging upwards, facing the sky, then having it all be over instantly... And nobody would have found me for hours... heh...

Oh, and Scatha, I wasn't sucicidal, don't worry... It would have just been so awesome to go out like that...

Tonight will be life-changing...

I dunno if it'll be for good or for bad though... Anyway, if it's bad, there's a strong possibility that I won't be getting online much anymore... However, no matter how it goes, I should be able to get on Friday night to let everyone know...

So... umm... bye..

Biggest WTF ever

This blog is going to be short and simple.

I got a TOS.

Here is EXACTLY what it said: Reason for moderation: Other users not on-topic

Seriously, W. T. F?!?

Ok, I am royally pi$$ed

Well, I just got IMed from some guy named Dominator9967 on AIM. First he called me an emo f@g. Then he claimed to be Sammy. And THEN he started saying how bad he was and saying a bunch of bad stuff about emos.

If anybody knows who he is or where he lives, please tell me so I can find him and beat the f*ck out of him.