AutoTaco Blog
Isn't it weird when you check the comments on your blog and...
by AutoTaco on Comments
People you don't even know comment.
My NES is going crazy...
by AutoTaco on Comments
Which sucks because i just got SMB3 to work...or maybe the NES was the reason SMB3 didn't work....damn.. I don't know.
EDIT: Alright, I believe its my NES becuase I tried a few other games and the same thing happened. Or all my games are messed up.
So there is going to be a No More Heroes 2...
by AutoTaco on Comments
Tears of joy are flowing and dare I say its..
by AutoTaco on Comments
:D :D :D :D :D
:D :D :D
:D YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One thing that pisses me off.
by AutoTaco on Comments
Is when religous fanatics go on and on about how they're religion is true and right and act like its fact. Guess what? If it was fact it would be called fact and not faith.
Blogviews: Return of the King(1980 Rankin Bass version)
by AutoTaco on Comments
To quote a much better movie "Where do we begin?". In 1980 Rankin Bass who had previously done a made for Tv animated adaptation of the Hobbit, released another made for TV adaptation of Tolkiens work, The Return of the King(NOTE:This was never inteded to be a sequel to Ralph Bakshis 1978 version of LOTR.)The result was........complete and total ****.
First this has some awful, and I mean godawful character designs, Pippin being the worst. Seriously this is the best they could do? Good God!
Actually speaking of God he actually is mentioned as is Hell. Now this isn't that big except in Middle F****** EARTH THERE ISN'T GOD OR HELL!!!! Gah, I'm such a nerd.
Anyway though there is probably 1 thing that doomed this from the start, and that was they had to make it kid friendly....*shivers*. So because of that we get all these songs shoved down our throats. Now this worked in the Hobbit because they turned the poems in the book into songs. There is no reason for them reason to put songs in! Oh wait,a minstrels telling the story because the film begins after the Ring is destroyed. Makes some more sense right? Then why the hell is Gandalf narrating some scenes?! The songs themselves are horrible, and just when it can't be any worse we've got Orcs with surprisingly clear voices singin' away! Amusingly enough I think their song was supposed to show them sympathetically. Here it is.
Not only because its kid friendly you can't show people die. Hell Theoden doesn't even get killed by the Witch King. His horse just goes crazy and he falls off and dies.Even when Eowyn fights the Witch King and his steed all we see is blue stuf cut across them. What the hells that blue stuff? It better ******* not be magic. While we're on the Witch King and Ringwraiths, the King sounds very high pitched and not frightening at all. The Wraiths themselves have also been remodeled and now look like something off some crappy generic 80s metal record.
They're even riding a winged horse! They're supposed to be riding creatures that resemble giant carrion.
While we're speaking of aesthetic issues Gandalf is still Gandalf the GREY! Oh good christ. Now for some of the good, the brief bit with Denthor is verbatim from the book. As for other bad parts characters such as Gimli, Legolas, and Faramir are either gone or in Faramirs case appear for only 5 seconds next to Eowyn and isn't even named or mentioned. And Eowyn somehow concealed all this.
Under this.
Ugh, theres so much wrong with this film. Most of the dialogue either stupid, irritaing exposition or poorly delivered. This holds true for Pippin who has the worse voice acting I've heard and Denothor who sounds like he had a stroke. Credit must be given though to John Huston for reprising the voice of Gandalf, dare I say he was one other good thing about this "film".
In conclusion....
((Yes, I realize that many of my criticisms were nit picking but whatever.)
Lets Talk About WW3...
by AutoTaco on Comments
So I'm constantly visiting the OT forums and I've been noticing ever since the Georgia conflict started and after the Bigfoot hoax the forums have slowly but surely devolved into a cesspool of paranoia, and stupidity. Pretty much every thread.
People don't seem to realzie when they hear about a Russian general threatening to nuke Poland that its just sabre rattling. Russia(Or any country for that matter.) would be stupid enough to use nuclear weapons on each other.*sigh* Can't think of anything else at the moment probably edit and finish it later.
Why Fate(Or God's Plan.) is BS...
by AutoTaco on Comments
There is something my mom used to say, "That God has a plan for all of us blah blah blah." essentially talking about fate. I was thinking on that and came to wonder, "So, then all those murders, rapists, serial killers, etc. were supposed to do such horrible acts?" This puts a bit of a moral and logical lapse in that statement, because well since God has a single plan for everyone then it would be purposely be sending people to Hell and making its own creations suffer. Yes, that makes sense.
God: Y'know what? I'm going to create some creatures in my image and love them and nurture them,etc. Now I'm going to inspire people or destroy their lives with some ungodly event!
How pissed off would you be if your purpose was to do one of those acts?
Man: (Melancholy) Sometimes I wish I knew what I was here for...(Shouting heavenwards.) What am I supposed to do?!
God: (In a formal manner) Well... in ten years after many failed relationships and personal tragedies you'll go bat **** insane and start raping and brutally killing 4 year old girls and then die in a car accident where you fly through the windshield and face first onto the pavement. And there's not a thing you can do about it.
Man: (Thinking)And what will that accomplish?
God: (Condescending, in a matter-of-fact tone..)So the mothers of the murdered can form a support group for those with similar experiences.
Man: (Feeling completely and utterly broken.).............I guess thats good...............................(Curls in a fetal position and cries knowing that he cannot stop himself from doing such horrible acts.)
This also means that since those people were supposed to commit these acts that there is no right or wrong. Fate doesn't allow right or wrong to exist because its all part of the plan. Not only that but it means there is no free will and we're all just some playthings for some outside force.
EDIT: This is speaking only of a singular fate. For all I know God just was bored and made us, or there is no outside force controlling everything, or it has multiple plans if on it doesn't go correctly.
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