Love all the attention to detail, never doubted that Snyder would get it at least visually faithful. I'd rather there be more dialouge, but whatever I'm still excited.
Well i have a bush predickament for one when he got elected as presiedent he knew that he could only have a certian ammount on teh american throne but i think that he thought ( wow a shocker ) that he could extend his presidencey if he "Faked" a global crisis by going to a country with somthing that his country needs (oil) and made friends with the leader and "Faked" a global accademic. first off he got binladin to do the whole 911 thing because that would start the spark to the people thinking what was accually going on. This is all of Bush's plan to extend his presidencey because he thinks that if their was a war he would have to stay in power untill the war is over.
mind my spelling i'm not that good a speller ..... BTW bush didn't trick me because i'm canadian xD
[QUOTE="N8A"]I hope you got it just for collection purposeszelda450
Wow, am I the only one here who likes to play the VB? It doesn't hurt my eyes, and I actually think some of the games for it are really great to play...
Now don't get me wrong its cool and Mario's Tennis is great and all (I'm sure there are other great games as well but only have MT atm.)but I can't play it for 20 minutes straight without my eyes getting strained.
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