[QUOTE="Autobon"] And CEO's do work harder than farmers or whatever. How do you think they started the company?
I find that statement hard to believe. Have you ever known a farmer or restaurant owner?
I am not saying that being a CEO is easy. I am just saying that the money they earn is not directly congruous (sp?) to how hard they work, compared to a farmer or restaurant owner.
My Grandpa owns a company called Am Sytems and he is worth about 20 million. He works his frickin but off. He is lucky when he gets home by 11. Sometimes he doesnt even get home but keeps working. I know what CEO's go through. They work brutally hard, and everything they do is business. If they go to lunch, its usaully with a business contact. If they play golf, its with a business contact. Dont say they dont work hard, when you have not even the slightest clue what they do. One of my freinds owns a restuarant, and while he my work hard, it is no where near what most CEO's are like. Not even close. And CEO's also dont sit there and blame their problems on everyone else
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