Wheee! The first of september! It's my dad's birthday. so, it was an ok day, except mom didn't make a cake, and now I'm going to have to buy 2 for her birthday (in two weeks), to compensate! Or play a mean joke. Haha.
How can you people write all these blog posts? I see some of you putting them up EVERY DAY. Sheesh. I could'nt even think of it. In fact, I find it hard to put one up every month! but, now I'm bored (not to mention tired...)and figured I have nothing else better to do. Even putting something interesting up right now isn't easy... all I can think of is that oil truck that rolled over this week and started a fire on the interstate. wierd.
Anyway, since I'm totally out of it, I'm just going to give everyone a litte advice; DON'T STAY UP EATING ICE CREAM, READING A NOVEL (eight chapters in a row,), PLAYING KINGDOM HEARTS, AND WRITING FANFICTIONS TILL THREE IN THE MORNING THE NIGHT BEFORE YOUR DAD'S BIRTHDAY! ... not that I would ever do that... (konks out and falls asleep 4 the next eight hours.)
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