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Avearia Blog

Happy Labor Day Weekend

Wheee! The first of september! It's my dad's birthday. so, it was an ok day, except mom didn't make a cake, and now I'm going to have to buy 2 for her birthday (in two weeks), to compensate! Or play a mean joke. Haha.

How can you people write all these blog posts? I see some of you putting them up EVERY DAY. Sheesh. I could'nt even think of it. In fact, I find it hard to put one up every month! but, now I'm bored (not to mention tired...)and figured I have nothing else better to do. Even putting something interesting up right now isn't easy... all I can think of is that oil truck that rolled over this week and started a fire on the interstate. wierd.

Anyway, since I'm totally out of it, I'm just going to give everyone a litte advice; DON'T STAY UP EATING ICE CREAM, READING A NOVEL (eight chapters in a row,), PLAYING KINGDOM HEARTS, AND WRITING FANFICTIONS TILL THREE IN THE MORNING THE NIGHT BEFORE YOUR DAD'S BIRTHDAY! ... not that I would ever do that... (konks out and falls asleep 4 the next eight hours.) 


Ok this might sound a bit pathetic, but I found this cute site where you enter a word and it comes back with a bunch of corny phrases. I entered 'Danny Phantom', but then I thought about it and entered 'Fangirls'. It was hilarious! "and on the eighth day, god made fangirls' had to be my favorite one, followed by 'anyone can handle fangirls'... I just thought it was cute. try it!


Oh, and don't say I don't ever update my blog.

Level 5. Aaarrrg!

First blog post in forever. Actually, I'm not sure it can be considered as a blog post, it's mainly just ranting on and on and on... oh, I should start ranting now.

How long will I be stuck on level Five? Good greif! I mean, I'm only at eighty-one percent?! I could've sworn I was higher than THAT! GEEZ! Alright, I'm curious. What sort of things add onto your level? cruizing the site, writing reviews, posting on the boards?

How long have I been stuck on it, anyways? I want to see what the emblem (sp?) for level 6 is.


In other news, My mother painted the entire upstairs. One room is a beautiful dark red that goes well with the mohagony, but she also did a large portion of the hallway in a gross brown. I can't beleive it! If I knew how to get pictures on here, I'd show you just how ugly it is... :x

ok, wierd.

Just what it says. wierd. I get on this site and it says 'avearia, level (0%). either I must've come when they were upgrading the levels or something's screwing with my computer...

Any ideas on what's wrong?

A real blog post!

well, hello. I've decided to put a REAL blog post up. yes, you may or may not be learning about my life with this blog posting, so enjoy! Actually, why am I doing this? Knowing whether or not I'm old enough to drive isn't going to be life changing enough to rock your worlds. oh well. I guess I'm just bored.  That, and I got a request for some personal info.

Gender: Girl
Occupation: Loafing, melding with computer, Tech support for aliens
Age: 996487. as far as you know.
Name: Blank
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite food: shrimp and chocolate. and cake.
Other sites I am involved with: Fanfiction.net (as Avearia) , Neopets.com (as angeleclipse), legendaryfrog.com (as natamember)

Well, personal info. bad stuff. congradulations! you've learned about me. sorta. I should've just put something like this...

information about this user;
"Catlike appearance. eats pocky and string. walks on walls. possibly an alien."

Wow. long post. oh well. Now I shall leave you. But first, a hearty song.

Home, home on the prarie...
where the deer and the buffalo reign...
where seldom is heard
a politically correct word,
and the skies... are partly cloudy all day.

I forgot I had this.

I found this document in my computer and realized I had no idea when I put it in. I think I did it last year. anyway, I thought I'd share. it made me smile, and I'm the one who wrote it!

I never believed in School essays. I never really believed in due dates. I never really believed in schedules. For you see, I do not really (and have never, really,) believed in inspiration that came with a dedline, or a genious work of art rushed through the course because of someone else’s needs. I write for myself.

I also do not believe in outlines.

I do not believe in brainstorming.

And I do not (and have never, really,) believed in forced thinking.

This is why the paper that I am about to write will be substandard, because… of course… I have procrastonated to the very last minute, thinking and musing the subject, Macbeth, as I pleased, and now am forced to write hastily as I compile the thoughts of my previous concepts and musings.

Furthermore, my musings and frequent ponderings of the subject have been on an entirely different motif than I will be writing on, simply because that so-called ‘brainstorming’ was on a motif that wasn’t on the list—thereby impossible to place in such an arranged essay.

With this, I grant you a look into my final, anoyed thoughts before the beginning and end of the following composition:

Geezus christ. I’m gonna fail.

I actually didn't fail, but it was fun to read.

Monster under the bed

My father just told me the absolute best joke I've heard all year, and I thought, 'why not share it with everyone?' so here you go.

A man walks into a shrink's office. He tells the shrink "Doc, I've got this problem. I have this irrational fear that there's something under my bed just waiting to eat me after I fall asleep! Can you help me?" he begged. the doctor nodded and said, "Yes. it may take months, years, perhaps five sessions a week, but we will get through your fear." he told him. "Eh... how much does a session cost?" the man asked, uncertain. "$100." he told him. "ah... I'll think about it." he told the shrink.

Three weeks later, the shrink saw the man outside, downtown. he goes up to him and shakes his hand. "Say! how are you? You never did come back in after that first meeting." he commented. "Oh, that's nothing. I had my bartender find me a solution for ten bucks." he explained. "10 bucks?" asked the shrink. "yeah!" exclaimed the man. "See, he told me to saw off the legs to my bed. there aint nuthin' living under there now!"

Bah. random jokes.

I haven't been on here in forever. I think I feel obligated to leave something behind, I I'll just leave a few quotes and call it a day. *soooo tired... daylight savings time stinks...* --- I could be someone else if I wasn’t me! i want this... i want that.... people in hell want ice water... they don't get it. "If the good Lord had intended us to walk, He wouldn't have invented roller skates!" --Willy Wonka— "Sanity and Happiness is an impossible combination." -M. Twain "Don't follow in my footsteps, I run into a lot of walls"-me When the world explodes, don't be standing on it! ‘I wish I could die and wake up later." note to self: Don't leave your food alone with crazy cat. (¯`v´¯) .`•.¸.•´ ¸.•´¸.•´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•. Let's call that good, shall we? I'm going to go take a nap. See y'all later.

Randomly alternating sidebars...?

I was going around, checking all these other people who have 'come to my attention' at tv.com. a smock translation: I was cruising around and checking out other people's bios. Great. whoopie-dee-tap-dancing-woo for me. The thing that really got me, though, was the strange fact that halfway through my viewing, the personal profile (to the right) bar kept switching back and forth between mine and the guy I was reading about. It's totally wierd to ask, but is it supposed to do that?

Trivia Questions: What's in your head?

My friends and I were just screwing around and coming up with the dumbest things ever, and we thought up some smockish questions that will change your life, not necessarily in a good way. (sweatdrop). Take the survey, and may your world be confused for half an hour! The serious questions: 1. If you could have one thing in the world, what would it be? 2. If you had to choose between true love and a million bucks, what would you take? 3. A Genie grants you 3 wishes. what do you ask for? The cool questions: 4. If you had one superpower, what would you have? 5. Choose one Tv show that you'd want to become real life, whether you being a character in the show or impersonating one. (Ex.: Inuyasha, you can be inuyasha or yourself aiding him in his quest to find the sacred jewel shards.) 6. Would you rather have all the power in the universe or the ability to pass through dimensions? 7. if you could be an animal for one hour, what would you be? Offbeat Questions: 8. If you could trade places with one person in the world for one hour, would it be a male or female? 9. if a giraffe could stand on it's head... wait, let's just leave this question there. 9.B. Would you rather put your fist through a TV during a commercial you hate, or throw your computer out the window because it crashed? (assuming you could get each one back, whole and unharmed?) Unorthodox question: 10. if your best friend's soul was made of chocolate, would you eat it?
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