With the stupid amount of press "games journalists" have been giving Overwatch over the past months I'm willing to bet these reviews are bought and paid for. That amount of coverage only comes from a massive marketing budget. And we all know what happens when a game with a big ad budget gets bad reviews, eh Gamespot?
All they need to do is drop the stupid Air Marshal Bounty Hunter guy and make a Doom 2016 style shooter with Tommy from Prey 1 kicking ass for a sure winner.
"unrivalled capacity" to create new franchises and "transform them into entertainment blockbusters." The Division isn't a new franchise, it's part of of the Tom Clancy franchise that's almost 20 years old.
At least Microsoft isn't charging for content that should have been in the game at launch. Still not enough to make come back. Black Ops 3 is to much fun.
Avenger305's comments