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AwsomeMn89 Blog

Finished Onimusha Onto Okami

so ya i finished onimusha and that was friday night, so it took me 6 days to beat it but yaaa i got to the end and i had to deflect something and i never once deflected in the game so i checked my skills and im doing what it says so i was liek fine i cant deflect so im just gonna hit the thing with my sword and sure enuf it worked, i was like the game gave me the worng thing AHHHH and it took 45 min away from me lol but w/e it was worth the ending.....

now im going to play okami and so far its a kick *** game but im sure theres WAY more than what ive seen


ya so playing onimusha and specificially in the dark realm where its 100 stages with enemis and i was like 35, so like 45 min into it, and the power went out!!!!! i was sooooo angry but i guess i can do it again i just would have rather beat it all and not have to grrrrrr


so here we go

i have recently gotten okaim, disgaea 2, and onimusha dawn of dreams

im currently playing onimusha, i cant start a game and not finish it, i guess i have ocd lol buttttt still im like 16 hours into it, which is like stage 13 of 16 and then im gonna start okami

they all seem like really good games and i think disgaea will b awesome b cuz i love a challenge

O and i sold like 13 of my games, that included my gamecube too, i rarely ever touched it so i decided to sell it and the game, along with some ps2 but i figure it can go to a ps3

BUTTT yes ill b busy for a while and ya garage sale this weekend too so i can rake in the dough, but ya soon after hat were moving like to a new town, its not too far so itll still b ok i think

ya so tell me what u guys think or if uve played any of the 3 games so far or just tell me if u have the same kinda ocd i have lol

Reap The Rewards

so i got onimusha dawn of dream and i got okami preordered but that was just from my parents

then i got 20 bucks each from my aunt grandma and great grandma

idk kinda cheap if u ask me but atleast i got sumthing

im thinking about getting disgaea 2 cuz it looks like a real challenge but idk i need gas money and ya so who knows

OMG....its here


so im 17 to all those who want to know and its pretty kool

its 1am so i havent gotten presents but ill let u know later

family comes over on sunday

oooo ya


so ya the FLCL were too big so ive put up some of my fav trailers that ive found and so far i have heavenly sword and okami up but more will come like sonic and other

naruto anyone....?

so ive been downloading series on the internet to watch them b 4 the us gets them and naruto is my current one, i am up to episode 197 and its goooood, only thing is they drag it out horribly like inuyasha episodes did....adn as u can c inuyasha has been downloading the 2nd movie now, i guess i missed it but yaaa

ive also downloaded full metal alchemist and FLCL but im thinking abotu doing yu yu hakusho.....i never really saw the ending episodes