I rly like that LA noire game, and is not coming for PC =[, so im gonna get a console today for it, i need your opinions on what console should i get, Xbox360 or ps3? getting Red dead redemption today also
Now that a Blu-ray player is $99, The ps3 seems less appealing vs the new N console. Sony and MS will launch a new console in 2 years, but then nintendo will launch a New console 2 years after them with better specs, so is this is it? Nintendo from now on will b ahead of Sony and MS? unless Sony realeseas a consoel for 2 years nad release another console to match Nintendo releasing Cycle?
Yes, Nintendo won, and now they want to obliterate the competition once and for all.
This is what they r gonna do, they r gonna Stall Ps3 and 360 sales, with their new console, Nintendo will bring a new innovate controller combined with better graphics than Ps3 and 360, honestly is a big blow for Sony and MS why gonna spend money on a 6 yrs old console, when u can buy for almost same price a more superior and fun console? Nintendo is gonna out do SONY and MS.
So many threads about this war being "Over" Its not.....
With 50 millions units ahead of ps3 and 360, and Sony , Microsoft saying they will launch their new console in 2 years, Sony and MS needs to sell 25 millions consoles each year to catch the Wii. Not happening when a new Nintendo console arrives this year with better Tech specs
Nintendo won this Gen? Now that the Sales leaders brings a new Console, does this mean Nintendo officially ended this Gen? Also is this bad news for Sony and MS? I mean, if the new N console is Tech superior to Ps3 and 360, dont people rather buy a new product than a 5 and 6 years old console? also, Maybe Nintendo is just releasing a Wii2? just what Sony and MS did, Sony released 5 different types of Ps3 consoles, each console had different memory and GB space. Microsoft released different types of 360 yet we count them as the same console, even they r different on specs
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