@MasterLink23: Well when you have people overhyping Switch for 2-3 years old ported games youll have some others do the opposite. To me, hype a system for having 2-3 years old games is QQ.
As for Wii U. PS3 was considered a flop back in the days but Sony never dumped it. And should i mention that Sony was in the verge of bankruptcy back then with Ps3 being in an epic loss its first 3-5 years at least ? Sony as a whole was almost done yet you saw game after game after game. And wanna hear something funny ? The VITA flop had more games than Wii U in total 2 years ago.
You ask why ? Because many bought a Wii U for Zelda. Out of respect alone they should had released it for Wii U and after a year or so port it to Switch like Sony did.
@MasterLink23: I repeat. If Sony was about to dump PS3 2-3 years before they did can you imagine what kind of 1st year PS4 would have ? Thats why Sony is Sony, providing AAA titles few months before the next product when Nintendo letting their system in dead state.
So next time, when you try to diss PS4 for not having as strong first year as Switch you should take into consideration the whole picture.
And lets not speak about Zelda, a game that was a Wii U title and was ready for release for quite a while got delayed for over a year so they push Switch sales with it. You wont see such things from Sony. Sony released The last of Us for PS3 few months before PS4 release for example. So please. Lets compare even things because in the end of the day, PS4s rival is not Switch, was Wii U and that thing is dead already for years now.
If Nintendo needs 2 different products to compete in a single console generation vs competition doesnt let alot of room for Nintendo fans to diss other products imo. Switch had strong first year ? Yes it did. You need to ask yourself why though.
@MasterLink23: Can you tell me if Sony let PS3 die prematurely like Nintendo did with Wii U and focus on PS4 instead ? Nah it didnt happen. Because if Sony have done what Nintendo did with Wii U for example, games like Uncharted 3, The last of Us, GT6 etc would have been PS4 exclusives and then PS4s first year would have been epic, right ?
So you need to take into consideration the whole picture when you try to compare different products and what they had to offer. So care when you trying to start such arguments or it can backfire as you see.
@spacegrass70: Yeah exactly my point. Think of that : " Amazing exclusives for PS4 coming. Last of Us, God of war 3 and Uncharted 3.
I mean ... come on.
No, nothing on the list interests me from old games or from games that look one of the same. The only games im looking forward to see is Metroid 4 and Project Octopath since im fan of JRPGs. Nothing else, specially not 3 years old games.
@spacegrass70: It doesnt matter if i played or not a multiplatform or a 3 years old game ... Its still a multiplatform and a 3 years old game. If you get what i mean.
Those games dont count as either something new/exciting nor an exclusive, thats the bottom line man. Simple stuff.
Its like embracing all those remasters on PS4 or something like they are PS4 exclusives and count as new exclusives etc ... come on.
@spacegrass70: You damn playing 2-3-4 years old games and you say this is exciting. Wouldnt be great to ask for something better than overhyping old games and call em exclusives when everyone played them already on other platform ? Its insane how fanboyism works.
AzatiS's comments