WEll after 8 years with the same engines over and over... We have like more than 20-25 First person shooters of Crysis caliber... Only COD titles are like 9.
I dont like this 8-9 years cycle for 1 generation. Its too much , games becoming stale... Most of them even... They have the same graphics , physics , feeling ... you just can wow anymore... I think 5 to 6 years cycle were the best .... We would have been into 3 years into next generation already and 3 mores to next one... Yet here we are playing Crysis 3 and COD BO2 and Dead space 3... One of the same again and again ... or even worse.
Resident evil 4 was BAD... thats what happened to the series.
Reminds me some sort of Diablo 3. Everywhere scored some nice scores but after a year or 2 , players didnt like the whole concept ( majority even ). Capcom kept this exactly same design with RE5 which ... was BAD and then kept it in RE6 which was even worse.
Series need a reboot or go back to the true survival horror / true zombination atmosphere... Every RE releasing after RE4 its getting worse and worse. Thats not my opinion , thats a fact. Sales wise , score wise , how most people see it wise.
I havent touched any RE title since RE4, which i found it a ridiculous game to play ( dont get me wrong , good game overall but NOT AS A RE GAME ) and nor i will if they insist to that design and action philosophy.
There are way BETTER action game , there are WAY BETTER shooters , there are WAY BETTER survival horror games out there.... RE is a mediocre , wannabe all the above together , fail. Thats my point of view , i dont care if some people disagree .. Sales and scores talking.
@fluffy_puppy666 No im not... Im fed up with them... The peak on technology ( we playing on same graphic engines and technology/hardware peaks like 8 years now ( PS3/X360).
I dont think there is much to see anymore this generation. Nothing to get THAT excited even... Im passing almsot all FPS the last 2 years or more... Ill wait the next-gen games because games like COD ... 8-9 games in less than 6 years?!! Im just fed up!
AzatiS's comments