I don't understand why people saying it's the same ole. What does that mean? The way I look at it, Halo is the same ole, CoD is the same ole, Need for Speed is the same ole, Fallout 4 the same ole. I believe AC is not the same ole - the settings are unique and beautifully created. Please confirm what the same ole means? Also add in any examples of games that are not the same ole that's part of a franchise - thanks. Only one I can think of is Tomb Raider - however that's the same ole...the new Tomb Raider is the same ole as the previous one. So the way I look at it, every game that's part of the franchise MUST be a reboot of the series - no excuses right?
I really enjoyed the games that Paul has been involved in, starting with Space Rogue. Also great article too. I wish the team all the best and hopefully we see more of Ultima's lore (even though they cannot use the name, at least they can use the lore for which is awesome).
Well my first video game I have played was back in 1979 - Superman. Now we have Danny's point of we want something that we grew up on. Well if that was the case, I want more of ET. I can tell you that 1983 was indeed a crap year for gaming and no I don't want more of that.
What it boils down to is simply this - experience. The twenties, everything is new - the thirties, time to complain as in 'been there, done that'. Well I'm here in my forties and I have learn to accept that games have evolved. However technically, it's way behind the eight ball because the consoles cannot deliver the power.
Yet some of my all time favourites have been during the past ten years like STALKER, Bioshock and Assassin's Creed. I accept that trends comes in waves. I also believe we are heading towards another video game 'correction' as it's long overdue.
Azghouls' comments