@AndThn3 @Azghouls I read a lot of negativity for AC3 and Revelations. I enjoyed Revelations but say for instance AC3 is hopeless - oh well, one bad game is not too bad.
Sorry but I disagree. Granted it's coming out every year however are you forced to play it every year? Is it mandatory? I played AC1 back in 2012 then AC2 / Brotherhood / Revelations all this year. I yet to play AC3 so I cannot judge that yet.
Completion? Yes all at 100% - why? Because I take my time playing the game - get totally immersed in the world instead of 'must finish the game to move on'.
And I also played all the AC games for the DS / PSP.
In a nutshell - take your time to be immersed - there's no set rules that you must finish the game in 5 mins.
@DAPalicious The same? You have a ship now and it looks like the ocean is his lifeblood. That hasn't been done before and besides, he can swim underwater - Altair would be proud of him.
Again I haven't played AC3 yet however to my understanding, the ship wasn't exactly his soul mate - is that right?
@rholerosmight @Azghouls In AC3, you can sail a ship however in 4, it looks like the sailing mechanics improved dramatically and besides, the ship looks like Edward's lifeblood. That's a new concept. Also you can swim under water now - again that's new. Other words, it looks like the ocean is playing a large part of the game - that hasn't been done before.
What do you mean? Granted I only played AC1 / AC2 / Brotherhood and Revalations and all of them felt different. E.g. AC2 you have no assassins to hire, Brotherhood you can build Rome again and do some global investments etc and that (infamous) tower defense game for Revalations (for which I didn't mind).
Also this game is set in the Caribbean whilst Revalations Constantinople, Brotherhood Rome, AC2 beautiful Venice and Florence - all detailed to suit that period.
In addition, you play five different characters, each has its own history. Am I missing something?
Azghouls' comments