how many bp do i need for those at the prize place? i might be able to go buy 1 but if its more than 6 i cant get a focus band but ill trade for your rayquaza
if any1 is lookin ffor pokemon with pokerus i got some....dragonite venesaur blastoise kabutops mightyena metagross armaldo aggron sceptile swello houndoom camerupt aerodactyl steelix rapidash and i got these (without pokerus) squirtle bulbasaur charmander larvitar cyndaquil dratini rhyhorn totodile and togepi
[QUOTE="AzureDragonz"][QUOTE="AzureDragonz"]alright any1 reading this im looking for a jirachi or deoxys im willing to trade any of these pokemon Groudon kyogre rayquaza mewtwo giratina heatran(M) uxie mesprit azelf regi-rock-steel rotom moltres zapdos porygon z rampardos aerodactyl camerupt houndoom swellow aggron armaldo metagross mightyena kabutops snorlax blastiose venesaur dragonite (all pokemon listed have pokerus) AzureDragonz
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