I got larvitars charmanders cyndaquils rhyhorns squirtles bulbasaurs and dratini for trade will give 3 for 1 pokemon like chicorite or totodile
[QUOTE="AzureDragonz"][QUOTE="AzureDragonz"] alright fc 4510 7172 6036name Dr Worm AnimeAngel1277this is my info I'm on right now  i put in your fc from your personel page is it wrong?Â
If any1 can help me get a porygon Z i would be happy :).... i already have the porygon2 and dubious disk
I got charmanders,bulbasaurs,squirtles,cyndaquils,larvitars,rhyhorns, and dratinis for trade Im lookin for mew and celebi kthnx AzureDragonzI can trade 1 of each of these for a mew or celebi or i have lv 100s groudon, kyogre, mewtwo, and Rayquaza
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