Warcraft 3 and CnC3.RK-MaraIs CnC3's online back up and working? I know it was messed up, but I haven't had time to get on my computer to see what was wrong and haven't been able to see if it's back up either.
B100d_N_Gutz's forum posts
I am assuming that you mean other than Gamespot.com? :wink:Shrodinger;) Of course that's what he meant. :)
You will run it, but I don't think on medium, if your buying the game for the online you may want to hold off or reconsider in general as the online is very broke right now (it uses Gamespy)ARGSmithYeah...so how is it broken? I have the game, but sadly I don't have much time at all during the week (school, work, Honors classes w/ lotsa HW) so I haven't gotten to do anything except the first 2 GDI campaign missions...
Battlefield 2 uses modern-day weapons and vehicles; Battlefield 2142 uses futuristic ones. I prefer Battlefield 2, personally.Deinonych
Yeah, I didn't really get into 2142, I like the weapons in 2. Go for Battlefield 2 if you get either.
[QUOTE="Camzo"]RuneScape Classic is quite good...ProudLarryRunescape isn't 2D...
The Runescape you're referring to is Runescape 2, which isn't 2D. The original, however, Runescape Classic, is, although they aren't accepting new members anymore.
As long as your not looking for a lot of multiplayer re-playability given by many modern FPS games, I would have to say Half-Life 2.
A lot of new FPS games skimp on the storyline and hope the game sells because of "multiplayer" features. Half-Life 2 has an AMAZING storyline, and I really appreciate that in today's world of flashy graphics and no storys.
Just my 2 cents.
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