I havent had the time to read the entire thread :( sorry, i saw the topic and i thought i could contribute.
ill just say first that im a horror buff. I have watched hundreds of class horror flicks. Whether this is a good thing or not i cant say. I found myself the object of some rather unsollicited scrutiny when during Hostel i started giggling like mad as the womans eye was revealed. That was an awkward moment for sure. I try and get my hands on as many terrifying things as possible. Poe, Lovecraft are my two FAVOURITE AUTHORS!!! if you have not expereinced either then you need to start reading their anthologies late at night in bed with the rain battering the roof... classic...
In my never ending quest of terror i have found one media, almost impossible to crack. You may guess already, yes, videogames... For some reason, the medium has not yet given me that incredible, delectable spine tingling fear that books and mand on the occasion film, has partaken unto me. Its actually quite annoying! i buy a game say Res 1-4 and play it all the way and get to end really not happy at all... i tend to ruin my own expecience by wishing to get scared. Call it a curse, but i cant seem to find anything!
For clarity i must define MY fear, remember when you were really young, and they told you that really terrifying ghost story. The one where you were up ALL NIGHT scared, trying to combat that all pervading, terror inducing expectation of nigh approaching doom? thats the fear i mean, not the fear one gets at the conclusion of F.E.A.R. which althugh very fun was not scary at all! DOOM 3 was good i thought, it was the closest id seen in a while.
The one candidate the experience of which unfortunatly will be lost now with the current generation, was the Original Silent Hill... I played that in the dark and had to stop near the begining for a break, (check windows were locked door etc etc). The game was great, although tedious at times, the claustrophobia closed me with the monsters and it was perfect. Unfortubalty i was around the age of 7 or 8 when i played that game on an aunts system in the UK... I have started to think that that experience is forever locked away in the recesses of my past... :( it is not heartening... Maybe, like some hollow drug addiction it is my continued exposure which has whittled away the response. I need my fix and that is why i will always support thos innovative developers who strive to that podium of terror...
so yeah in short, totally i play games basically to get scared... thats it pretty much... hope you liked the above, got into a real writing orgy up there.. sorry for the mess...
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