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Tonight I'm going to my graduation at my school. A lot of people will be there. My friend is going to be here a little later and come with us and we'll be meeting some other people there. Should be fun since there's going to be food and hang out time and stuff. I'm gonna be on stage for a second (like everyone else) and I'm gonna need to think of some cool thing to do when I walk by up there. Just for kicks.

Today was our little 'moving on' assembly at school, and we handed out scrolls with our little advice thingies to everyone. Guess what mine was... "Potatoes" and yet I have not told anyone what it means. I think of it as an 'us' thing here at gamespot lol.

I can save images!!

Last night I just discovered that I can actually save images on my computer! Well... saying it like that is just gonna make me sound stupid, so I'll put it this way:

When we got this computer and for some time from there (maybe almost two months) I was having trouble saving images. Whenever I tried to do it, the icon in any of the folders or wherever else I saved it would be that one of the little Internet page with the squares on it. So basically I couldn't save them right and practically have no image. But now I can and this way I can easily switch through my pictures that were hard to find. Phew! This is awesome.

My new drum set!

It's finally arrived! I got my new drum set earlier today and it's big. It takes up like almost a fourth of my room. And yeah, that's where it's going.

This dude my mom knows was moving, I guess, and he wanted me to have his drum set that he's had for around twenty years. He said it helped him feel better about bad things that might have been happening, so I should give that a try some time since I have some things going on myself. Hopefully the neighbors won't kill me :?

Yes! I can play the drums now like I wanted to! Koo-cha! :D 

I got back from camp

Hey, everyone! I'm back from my camping trip with my school. What a week (or part of one). It's good to see you all and boy am I tired. Sorry this is so long, but there is just so much to say.

We went on a two and half hour bus ride to the site, which, for the first time in my camping experiences, was actually in the woods and under trees and stuff. Oh god. The bathroom stunk. Once you walk in, you're blasted with an intense wind of crap and piss fumes from the bottom of the hole (which doesn't flush). So everyone was kinda scared to go in. Especially the girls... I overcame my fear of it later in the first day or on the second day and was able to use it at least five times through the whole four-day period.

On that same day, everyone went down to the beach. Ahh... very nice and sunny. Dry sand, big sun, lower tide. But it wasn't like those nasty low-tides where you could see all of the underwater (supposed to be) rocks and seaweed that stunk. Oh, man. Me and my friend went 'log jumping' along a part of the North Beach with just tons and tons of logs the whole way. I got to relax in the sun on a big chunk of wood near where everyone was mostly. Lol I ran around and accidentally wasted my only seven, eight, or nine pictures in the camera at that time from running past groups of people and quickly taking snap-shots. It was kinda like a drive-by. A good picture was when someone saw me doing it and ran at me when I took the picture like he was gonna eat me or something, which is totally him lol. And I also found a log-made see-saw that suddenly got popular over the next few days.

We then walked to the next beach, but to get there we had to climb over humungo rock hills, even though some had a little space to go around alongside the water. I wall jumped off of the first one because it was fun :D And how could I forget the narrow (and I mean narrow) 'bush trail' that the whole class had to bend down in and shove bushes out of the way. Lol some people went the wrong way into a dead end. The second beach was cool because I found a pit sort of thing that already had two little log huts and a bridge/shelter looking thing. So I just sat on a big log that stretched far over the area and gave me a great moment of relaxation... until my friend and another person came. Things with my friend and I led to sword fighting scenes we just randomly made up and I seemed to kick the crap out of him the most.

Oooo... then there was whale watching. We saw a bunch of orcas out in the sea. I fell asleep on the ferry to the island, which turned out to a be a quiet, but great feeling town, and after leaving the ferry after my nap, made me feel quiet and good. Don't tell anyone, but my friend stole some of the snacks on the boat we took while I on the other hand payed. Ugh, I felt sick anyway. The next day, the other group said they saw a bunch of orcas killing a seal. Lol they said it got smacked by the tail and later got pulled under after trying to escape. And I got to steer the boat!!!

Our group's kayaking trip was cold and rainy. I just didn't go kayaking. Other people got wet on their pants or shorts. So I moved into a shelter to watch others play cards while I listened to music. The shower was awesome, despite having to hold my cloths under the heat drier thingy (that goes bhvvvvvvvvv!!!) while waiting and the worm I saw IN the shower. But that was also the night we said our good-bys/memories. I... uh... had a little bit of a hard time... Other than the other students over the past years who did this around the campfire, we fit all 60 (around that) people in their bed cloths and pillows into the adult's shelter.

And last but not least, the bed time that night. I was trying to sleep when I heard some guys in one of the tents next to ours messing around with this sleeping kid. It was funny. They were saying things like "Joey! It's time for brakfeast, man!", "Hey, Joey, breakfast!" "Oh my god! The bus is leaving without you!", or, when me and my friend woke up later in the night, "Fire alarm!", "Earthquake!", "Dude, this guy sleeps with his eyes open!", "Let's put Tinactin on his face". And the dead squirrel in the morning that someone had crushed while sleeping. Woo! Good times.

So yeah.

Going camping

Tomorrow I'll be leaving with my 8th grade class to go to camp with our science and history teachers. This is it... My final camping trip and finally third to last week of this entire school. So I have to make this one as good as I can.

We leave around 9:30 in the morning. I'll be gone until Friday afternoon, in three days or something. It should be fun. Last year we went into some crazy caves and hopped gaps and scaled ledges. This time we'll be going whale watching! In kayaks! Should be super fun.

So I'll be gone for a little bit. Actually, I have been gone a lot recently because of A LOT of shopping. Oh god. Let's not talk about it lol. Hopefully no raccoons will rip through our tents. That is, if people don't be stupid have chips and pop inside lol.

Playing this summer

Here is a list of what games I am looking forward to playing this summer and why:

Final Fantasy IX (new game, because i'm stuck on other file)
Final Fantasy VII (replay)
Kingdom Hearts (replay)
Kingdom Hearts II (replay)
Dino Crisis 2 (replay)
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII (start if I can get it then)

Sounds good to me. I can't wait. I just haven't played enough games lately, so I might take some time from GS.

Newest emblem

Alright! I just scored myself the Popular emblem today. Plus I want to thank all of the people on my friends list for making it happen.


Old games are great!

They really are great and worth playing at times. Certain ones just give you that good feeling of them being all... compact and fun to just play because of how basic they are compared to newer games. I am mainly thinking about my PS1 games when I say this.

Like recently I was playing Dino Crisis 2 (my 3rd time), which I haven't played in a while, and WOAH! Was that a good game that fits my above description. It could be the cases of the games, the system, the game play, the graphics mixed in... I don't know. And of course something like FFVII is a big game, but it still gets that feeling that puts it aside from more modern and complex games. But let's not get into how great I though that one was...

My story in short: I just love some of my old PS1 games. If I need good game play with good story and don't want to play my PS2 games, they are always there for me, like my cat when I am having a bad day.

Life... and 1 more month of school!

Life... it's an odd thing. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. People love it, people hate it. Some live for it just to live for other things. Some don't care...

...But I got one more month of school, baby!!! Heck yes! I get out on June 20th and after that, it's summer vacation. I'm looking forward to nothing but a relaxing summer off of school with video games, GS, basketball, parties, and kick-back weekdays.

I said before in an earlier blog that I don't have anymore cable. that is good for certain reasons, although I won't get to watch weekday Adult Swim for the anime. But I never really watch that anymore anyways.

Ah... it will feel so great. The sun, the full trees, the blue skies, and the usual Seattle rain... Well, it's all good. I just can't wait to be out of school from this rough year.

I will be moving onto my first year high school. Sadly, though, leaving the school I had once gone to for nine years... I made friendships, grew up there, had good times, had bad times. But that's all good too as long as it's summer!! YEAH!

Well... I am back, I guess

Hello, everyone! I am back. The story in short is: I was being, uh, naughty, and so I was suspended for two days. However there was an issue that went with that because it didn't let me back to my priveleges when exactly two days was up. So there were some tough spots. Anyways, I am very sorry if you were trying to contact me or if my dear fans were sad about my adsence (lol). The funny thing is that I woke up after my suspension only to relize that my union was formed. Lol. I'll get to all of your blogs and messages, and have an awesome weekend!

Thanks, Sidrat2004!!