Sony may be experiencing difficulties, but they're safer than most people realize. In the West, corporations compete and try to muscle each other out of of the race, while Japanese companies ally with one another and work to keep each other afloat. Sony's not going down any time soon, and I'm glad they made the decision they made. Microsoft is a prime example of what happens when big interests and big money get involved in the company.
@jnolen It's true. That's the best way, and most hardcore way, to play :) And thankfully, even if you tire out after a couple hundred hours, there's always the newly added DLC or mods to change things up. Skyrim is King, and well crowned.
@Dannystaples14 It sounds like you're still inlove with Oblivion and Morrowind, like a widow grieving their lost lover... But It's ok, you can learn to fall inlove again :)
BLaverock's comments