It's not gamers that are angry, it's the world. There's always something that somebody is angry about. Online, this will always be a problem. Social networking provides a way for people to hide behind a mask and say whatever they want, without manners or restraint. I've gotten to the point where I don't even bother reading the comments on youtube -- there's just too much ignorance. As for fixing this, goodluck Gamespot -- you'll just have to expand your moderating police force :p
I hook up my PC to my flat screen, then -- depending on the game -- use a cordless controller or mouse/keyboard and game on! You can do so much more with PC, and STEAM SALES are unbeatable. <3 Steam Forever bizzos!
The loot SUCKS in PC. In the other Diablo games, you can actually use grey stuff once in a while. PC -- hell no, all grey is trash. Why even put it in the game? Now I play Path of the Exile, and it's way better, and it was free. WTF Blizzard :/
And seriously, gamers will drop 60 bucks on a game that provides between 8-20 hours gameplay, but complain about 15 bucks a month when they have access to literally THOUSANDS of hours? Pathetic whiners.
@Nautilan You'll have to buy the game initially for 60 bucks, then set up a monthly subscription to play. The longer you subscribe, the cheaper it will be. Later, this may change. For example, Bethesda may implement a 7 day free trial, or like WoW does with play for free up to level 20, or something else.
When you stop paying and cancel your subscription, Bethesda will not terminate/delete your account. It's more like a freeze -- your account will be frozen, and Bethesda will probably keep your account backed up for years, just like WoW does. So years later, you can come back if you want.
Microtransactions don't have to be pain. However, there is a fine balance. If you want exclusive in-game mounts, collector's gear, or stupid stuff like useless pets and whatnot, then microtransactions are fine. But if it becomes pay to win, where success in the game depends on microtransactions, then yeah, that's b*llshit.
And consider this a problem as well: players want everything for free, but developers have to live. If you like a game, buy it and support it. 15 bucks a month for a game that's practically limitless isn't a bad deal. After all, people pay 60 bucks for a game worth 8-20 hours game play... whereas, you expect thousands of hours with TESO
BLaverock's comments