You are cute! And I've been really interested in Outlast, so I'm glad you started playing it :D
BLaverock's forum posts
Final Fantasy Tactics is an absolute classic, and many people overlook its fine writing. Seriously, that game is EPICLY written!
Amnesia is pretty dang scary... and if you play it, play it as they suggest: alone, at night, in the dark, with headphones on lol
I loved Zelda, but it just doesn't have the depth in gameplay and world immersion to compete with titles like Skyrim. I remember getting Ocarina of Time for Christmas, and back then it was on the cutting edge. Ocarina allowed more freedom in gameplay than most any other game on the market. Unfortunately, every Zelda title that's followed has petered around that same level of immersion; instead of exploring, it's more like you're guided through the game. I hope Nintendo will re-create the Zelda series. Imagine Link, but in a Skyrim/Hyrule hybrid of a world. Would be epic!
Skyrim, MGS4, Bastion, Batman: Arkham Asylum, StarCraft 2, World of Warcraft, StarWars the Old Republic, Mass Effect, Fall Out 3... pretty sure I missed a few more :p
Most MMO's you can try for free (at least for a while). You can play WoW for free up to level 20, SWTOR all the way (limited), and there's other MMOS like LotR Online, Age of Conan, and DC Universe Online. My personal opinion: SWTOR is awesome for its story, and WoW is a must at least to say you've tried it. WoW is the mother of MMOS. As for RPGs worth looking into with a lot to do, Path of the Exile is free and has that authentic diablo 1 and 2 feel. Skyrim is a must if you've never played it, or go back further to Morrowind and Oblivion. Either way, there's lots to do. Or, if you haven't yet, try out Final Fantasy VII recently released on Steam for $12 :) Hope that helps!
I agree. But who knows, I'm sure at some point they'll re-release Majora's Mask in HD. Whether it's for the WiiU or the next Nintendo console, who knows.
Jet Li and Jackie Chan movies are always good. Along with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there's also Hero, The Warlords, House of Flying Daggers, Rurouni Kensin (live action), Seven Samurai (classic), old Godzilla movies, and Miyamoto Musashi :)
Haha, agreed!Keep that idea, it will get you far OP.
Playing the Elder Scrolls with friends has never been a let down, and I don't suspect it will be this time, either. I'll be trying it out for sure!
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