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More on my 360s

Yeah! After yesterday B$, we decided getting ourselves a new 360 today. This time it was Core system.
We could finally spend some quality time with DOA 4 and I just loved it more and more!
Unfortunately, the news about my other 360, the dead one, aren't the best.
I hope that tomorrow or next Monday, we will be able to finally breath relaxed and that we will be enjoying the two consoles soon.
Thanks for the support!

I am extremely angry now!!!

I have just posted a summary of the story of my X360 here.
I am just to angry with it all and tired of this sick game. First MS sends me no box, then UPS doesn't ship my console for repairment, just deliver it back at my door.
What the hell is that?!?
I need some time to get over it...
*take care*  

Without a X360, but with DOA4

Yeah! This morning I posted two pictures related to our DOA collection in my MSN Spaces. Then, I mentioned that I didn't have the DOA 4 yet.
Well, it has just changed...
We have just received our American copy of the game.
The only thing that is preventing us to get really excited about it is that we are still X360-less and another morning is over without receiving the box.
It has been unbelievably frustating so far. And I must admit that my patience is ending.
I don't understand why other things we buy online and that are sent via normal postal service arrive much faster than an empty box via an express company.

Sorry for the bad mood....

*have fun and take care*

How is everyone?

I took yesterday to relax a little bit, so Internet (not even that much of gaming) was on my list.
I did play some Bejeweled 2 on the MSN, but no console fun.
Checking here that although I have gotten the "Popular" Emblem, I lost "Good Taste". Well, well, well... What will be the next bug on the list?
I sincerely don't know why that happened to my laptop, but I am glad it is solved and I be more careful and maintain a descent and updated back-up of my info from now on.
Thanks for everybody's support.
But, let's think positive! It is weekend!!!
I wish everyday the best and have a lot of fun. 8)

*game on*  

Unpleasant surprise

After that thingie with the Xbox 360, yesterday it was my laptop's turn. More on it here.
I did freak out when I thought I could lose some personal stuff, but although I did miss some stuff I thought I had saved, it was not as serious as I thought in the beginning.
No gaming yesterday either... I was feeling just way to bad for that. Maybe today, but I haven't decided yet...
Have fun everyone and get good a antivirus because the worms are free out there!

*take care*  

The butterflies that come and go

As I mentioned, it is great to see those emblems shining there on your profile, but this thingie that you start being overloaded with FR just because people want to have the "butterflies".
It hasn't happened to me yet and I won't lie, if it ever does and if it reaches a level of getting to me, I won't be part of the game.
The emblems are a funny thing, not some freak addiction.

*game on*

And the new emblem is...

... Good Taste!!!!
Yahoo! I couldn't be happier.

I have just written a quite long posting about everything that is going on in my gaming life at my MSN Spaces.
Feel free to go there and check the news. :)

*nice weekend everyone*


When I came to the site this evening, I realized that I had gotten two new emblems here: Convivial and Top 1,000 Community Reviewers.
I used to have some before, but since the changes here and my disappearing, I had lost them all.
Anyway, I am really glad!

I still have no news concerned the Xbox 360, but pre-ordered another console today that will not arrive before February.

Meanwhile, I have been spending my afternoons with Samus in Metroid Prime 2 Echoes.

*good weekend everyone*

And I am not alone...

After the excitement of yesterday, today again my Xbox 360 decided going red.
Yeah! It freezes and then I get 3 red lights on the console.
I had it for the first time yesterday and when I thought it was finally solved, guess what happens?
It is not even a matter of being playing for a long time (after 1 hour yesterday and today after 30 minutes).
I have just seen at the forum here that I am not alone... Other people are having this problem as well.
The funny thing in my case though is that it never happens when my bf is gaming. Only with me!
I have given it another try and it is working, but I decided not using it again until the problem is solved.

Back to the Xbox original then...

*game on*  

I have finally got it!!!

Yes! Yes! Yes!
I have now two silver medals on PGR 3. In fact they are three, but the other one was not in a race, so it doesn't really count...
I was so excited!!!
I got them on the two races of the game and I am trying now to slowly earn some more.
I am simply so happy that I have made it!!!!

I have also changed my sig here. I am using another gamertag now: this one.
Just to have something new. 8)

Later I am gonna game some more to celebrate and work out on my next medals.

*cheers and have fun*