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pr0blems a plenty

School is beginning to get to me. I have so much reading to catch up on its ridiculous because it is our fault that the office never told us about it.

On another note, I really think relationships are just not worth it on so many levels.

Fable didnt Flop

I keep reading these posts about how Fable has flopped already. I find it to be mind boggling that some people are that stupid to claim that a game, a game which they never played before, has flopped.

It comes down to their expectations are so high they completely forget about the human end of anything. Feeling that developers can do anything at all with the latest technology.

Anyway, work today. After that Wedding reception......we all know what that means.

Halo Party

It's been so long. With work, and girlfriends. But finally it's back, Halo in my garage.

Food and Halo all night long, get away from everyone and everything. I'll be busy fragging everyone, so you may miss me. No, you woul'nt because you dont read this. w00t w00t!!!!11111111!!!111

1s d3 mast3r

Beat FFVII today. I really dont want to start any other game for awhile from the work ill be getting in school. Fable will be my next purchase and the next game that consumes part of my life.

Now, with my review:

The game was great. However, I know my expeirence could have been much better had i played it when the game came out. The technology was far inferior to today's standards, but playing with a 1997 mentality, it was great. The story was amazing, except the fact that I had to eat dinner during the credits and found out that i missed part of the ending.

The game play was just like that of the other Final Fantasies for the most part. I cant compare, the game was amazing, and its on its way from ebay now.

No one is reading.....w00t w00t

Girls dont make sense.

My dog took the longest piss ever today on someone's car.

School is amazing when half your teachers are new and have no personality whatsoever. Especially when their supposed to be teaching an AP class.

Games are coming along ok. FFVII is taking more time then I thought it was...ETA Friday.

As for everything else, a friend of mine suggested listening to Pink Floyd's Echoes while watching the Northern Lights. I live no where near the northern lights so i can only hope to one day try this out.


Today was my last real day that I didnt have to worry about school. Tommorrow it all begins again for another fun year, with all the work, mindless learning, and people that make you want to kill them.

I woke up at 5:45 today solely to listen to Echoes while I walked around my neighbor so I could catch the last sunset of the summer. That song is just simply orgasmic at any time let alone during something in nature. Today my day is going to consist of finish The Once and Future King, 80 pages left. and beating FFVII.

As for my ebay crusade, 70 dollars in 3 minutes. Its disgusting how fast I can spend money compared to how long it takes to earn it.

Late Night Gaming Run

I just got done playing FFVII. I played for an hour with out saving until I finnally died. Its just a complete kick in the nuts when that happens. After four hours tonight I decided to go back tommorrow and finish the game.

Well, school starts in two days. I still have to finish reading The Once and Future King, not to mention do the questions that come with it. The next few days should be ver interesting.

BTW, I just one an auction for Chrono Trigger and FFVII and FFIX. All are the original, none of that greatest hits crap. So I should have something to keep me busy for a while.


Lately Ebay has been my best friend. As young as I am I know that most of the games I played when I was so much younger are nearly impossible to find. Stupid as I was I never played half the great games that I should of, or traded them in--a practice I now hate to even think of.

As of late, I have been on Ebay like pigs on filth. This is just a list of games I have seen and hope to get really really soon for as cheap as possible on Ebay. I got a mint condition Congo's Caper for 5 dollars with shipping included. Most of you will probably have no idea what that game is. But considering most people will never read this, I dont think I need to explain.

SNES: Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy III, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Donkey Kong Country 3, Mega Man X2, Mega Man X3, Harvest Moon, Breath of Fire, Breath of Fire 2.

PSX: Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy Anthology, Final Fantasy Chronicles.

Of those SNES games, as long as they work im fine with that. And the label is near mint condition. Some of those games cost me a small fortune to get. The Mega Mans and Harvest Moon will be a real problem. Of that list, Chrono Trigger is my most sought after. with each game falling in in no specific order. the Breath of Fires are probably my least sought after.

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