Guitar Hero III - Legends of Rock.
Release Date: 7/11/07 in AUS
I want to get this game for Christmas cos it will be fun to play and will be my first Guitar Hero Game.
GameSpot score: 8.0 Great
The Simpsons Game
Release Date: 8/11/07 in AUS
I want to get this game so I can say that I have played it and then I will be able to have my own opinion on how good it is. And it is a Simpsons Game so should be quite good. (I liked Hit and Run).(If its not that great then at least i will have beaten it and will sell it on eBay to get my $'s back.)
GameSpot score: 6.5 Fair
Crash of The Titans
Release Date: 25/10/07 in AUS
This game is already out but im going to wait abit more til i get it. I feel that it will be quite a good game to play well it is Crash Bandicoot after all and he has never let me down. there is a small possibility i will get it for Christmas but if not then i will just buy it for the best price possible on the 24th Nov 07 the day im going to get all the other cool games im looking at getting. (I guess i'll just end up beating it then selling it on eBay).
GameSpot Score: 7.0 Good
Super Mario Galaxy
Release Date: 29/11/07 in AUS
Well this game is going to be Awesome! My Bro is getting it for Christmas so im going to play it as well. From what we've seen in the previews it looks Superb. (Finally a Game with exceptional Graphics). None of this cheap 2d drawing stuff it is really 3D.
Can't Wait to see the Review.
GameSpot Score: ? might possibly get a 10.0 Awesome i mean PRIME. (Awesome sounds better.) this is something we haven't seen basicly since the original Tony Hawk games.
Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga
Release Date: 7/11/07 in AUS
Well it's LEGO and it's STAR WARS so it's gotta be great right! The Use of motion sensing controls for my light saber sound's fun and very exciting. I'm Guessing this game will be very fun to play. Using the force and build stuff and killing storm troopers etc sounds AWESOME FUN to me. (Looks like im buying it with The Simpsons Game and Crash of the titans etc.)
Can't wait to see the review for this one.
GameSpot Score: ? don't know at the moment but very exciting times.
Well these are the games I'm looking at to get & play in 2007. Proably pickabout 4 of them up on the 24th Nov 2007 when I can get 10% off at Big W instead of 5% off every other day. Thats good since it will give me an extra Few weeks to save up. 3 games for then and 2 for Christmas.
This is going to end my game drought for 2007. (last game i bought was Super Paper Mario)
Games I'm looking forward to in 2008. MARIO KART WII, SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL, and a small possiblity of Wii Fit.
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