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What's up everyone? It's been about 11 days since my last blog and I had no idea it had been that long since my last one, and that is why I am writing one now. It's currently 8:05 am and for the first time in awhile I am actually up at this hour. Two nights ago I had pulled an all nighter and then got caught up in watching the inauguration and ended up not falling asleep until 2 am last night. I only got 6 hours of sleep but surprisingly I am not that tired.

I am going to try to get out of this whack sleeping schedule that I am on since I start school this Monday, which I am not that bummed about. Remember in my last blog when I mentioned how much I liked my schedule and everything? Yeah, well things got messed up a little bit. I was unaware that payments for the courses were due last Tuesday, so they were not paid. Since they weren't paid, they took them all away and I had to redo my classes. Some courses had filled up so now I don't have my 3 day weekend every week so I'm a little pissed about that. I also ended up added another course to my schedule. My courses are English 101, Sociology, Math 116 (Statistics), Introduction to Business, and Strength and Conditioning. As you can probably tell, my schedule is pretty easy and that is fine by me :).

I have gotten a chance to go to the gym a few times during break as well as do some lifting at my house. I did max outs at the gym so I could see how much weaker I have gotten since my glory days in high school. My bench press max is down to 220 from 255, which is a huge disappointment for me. My sophomore year I could do 215 and here I am 3 years older and barely any stronger. Blah. It sucks. I'm sure none of you want to hear about that anyway, so moving on.

I had a chance last Thursday to take a girl that I'm friends with out on what I guess you could call a date. We just went to dinner and then drove around some and talked about a lot of stuff. The bad part of this is that she just recently started going out with this guy from her school. She assured me that it was nothing serious and we did some "stuff". Nothing serous though. What was bad though is that right after, her boyfriend (who knew that she was with me at the time) calls her up and asks to speak with me. His first words were "Hey, I don't like you". He then continued on to wanted me to assure him that I would not do anything I would "regret". I knew who the guy was, just not personally, and by the looks of him, the wasn't much I could do that I would "regret", since he's about half the size of me. Since I don't plan on really seeing the girl that much anymore when school starts back up, I just was told him everything was fine.

On another side of things, I'm planning on going to GameStop today and do the cliche pre-ordering of Killzone 2. The more I see and hear about the game, the more I want it. One thing I found interesting is that you get to pick your spawn points. Not only do you pick them, but you also get to see what's going on in the area around it. This way, you should'nt spawn and immediately die by some camping f** thats sitting in a corner. Since spawn points and grenades seem to be the main cause of my demise in online gaming, this should rid me of the spawn points. Now I just need to learn how to not die by grenades, which I've found to be impossible. Lets not even get started on that, or else this blog will be way too long. I did currently buy a game from the PS Store that was recommended to me by FetusZero. The game is called MagicBall and essentially it's a new version of the classic brick breaker game where you have the ball and the paddle. When I say this is a great game, I kid you not. I cannot even remember the last time I played a game that didn't piss me off. The trophies were a cakewalk to get, but I think I'll still play this game from time to time as a stress reliever or something.

I also changed my avatar here on GS. When I say changed, I mean switched from one picture of Kratos to another lol. Hopefully, nobody else has it since I think it's cool. I also am close to 1,000 forum posts, which isn't a milestone or anything, but it's still kind of a lot.

Well, that pretty much sums up this blog. I couldn't really think of a title, so that explains that. I think from now I'm going to add a fun fact or something at the end of all my blogs. I don't know? Why not? Anyways, take it easy. Until next time.


Fun Fact: Illinois was the first state to adopt Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as a statewide holiday.

Freedom, Forever

Hey what's going on everyone? Not much here. In fact, so little is going on that that is what has inspired this blog. "Freedom", that is basically what I have been feeling lately. No school, no girlfriend, friends are in town, and I'm able to just relax. It's been awhile since I have felt this way, and I like it. Although it may not last forever (and me stealing the title of this blog off of the V For Vendetta movie poster), it sure has been awhile. Since I've been out of school (December 14th) I've been able to feel much better about my life. To be honest, I'm not even dreading going back to school on the 26th of this month.

Why you may ask? Well first off my schedule is awesome. The earliest class I have is a noon and I'm done everyday before 4pm. The late starting classes really helps me a lot since I HATE waking up early. As of late, I've been going to bed around 7am and waking up around 3pm. I'm aware that it is a very bizarre sleeping schedule, but I'm on break and I do what I want lol.

Another thing thats great about my schedule is I made it so that I have no classes on Friday. That means 3 day weekends every weekend, which obviously is awesome.

So with all the time I have on my hands, I've been able to enjoy playing Fallout 3. The first day I got this game I absolutely hated it since I did not get the whole karma thing and kept getting murdered by angry townspeople. Once I got past that I got completely hooked onto this game. One thing I really like was that the game takes place where I live, which is the Washington D.C. area. Many of the locations in the game I have personally been to so it was kind of cool to see the area I live in destroyed my nuclear bombs and radiation. I actually finished the game not too long ago and received my platinum trophy which was very satisfying. This is my 2nd platinum so far.

I should have 3 platinum's, but Resistance 2 apparently decided that my 10,000 kills online weren't as good as everyone else's, and the game is refusing to give me the gold trophy which would also unlock the platinum. I'm currently at 11,400 kills and still nothing. Whatever though. Hopefully the problem is addressed by Insomniac eventually.

I finally got around to watching my Blu-Ray copy of Ironman. I thought it was a really good movie, but some things didn't quite make sense. If you haven't seen the movie and plano n doing so, ignore the next couple sentences. I did not get how Tony Stark spent all that time practicing using the suit and perfecting the movements, weapons, etc. and then the other guy who made the evil armor immediately knew exactly what to do and how to maneuver the second he got in. I don't know. Just something that caught my attention. It was still a great movie.

I checked out some of the music that some of you had recommended me on my last blog and I must say I do like what was recommended. Since I buy music from iTunes, I could only get a couple songs from each artist. I got Welcome Home, No World for Tomorrow, and Gravemakers and Gunslingers by Coheed and Cambria. From In Flames I got Zombie Inc., and Move Through Me. And from 'Ya Boy I got It's Easy and Bust Back. Thanks for the song recommendations Ida, Paladin, and Chaos. I have to thank Pending as well since 98% of my music library is based off of his song recommendations lol.

As for a closing thought, some of you may know that I make pizzas at a restaurant called "Ledo Pizza" and I'm quite good at making pizza (voted best in Maryland by WQTP Radio). Anyway, my restaurant is looking to come up with a new specialty pizza. My input so far is called a Chicken Bacon Ranch Pizza. It's just a pizza with chicken that is glazed in ranch dressing and bacon added on top. The reason I bring it up is because I would like you guys to give me some ideas. If you could put anything on your pizza, what would you put on it? Let me hear your ideas down below. Thank you in advance.


Wrapping Up '08: Plans for '09

Hey, what's going on everyone? It's been a couple days since my last blog (which was deleted for censor bypassing) and I was not too happy about that. Whatever though, I always thought putting **'s in words made them okay, but I guess not.

Anyways, this blog is going to highlight important events (and some not so important, but still had an impact) that occurred in the past year. I'll break things down into sections to make it easier to read.

Love/Relationship Life

-Dealt with my first (and last) long distance relationship

-Cheated on my girlfriend with 4 different girls (what she never knows, won't hurt her. I guess I'm not always such a nice guy after all.)

-Broke up with my girlfriend after 25 months of dating.

-Already have started dating around for girls since it is making me get over my ex a lot faster.


-Graduated High School (yay?)

-Started my first year of college, which I enjoy much more than high school.

-Earned an overall GPA of 3.5 my first semester. I was happy with that considering the little effort I gave.

Social Life

-Lost contact with a lot of my old friends from high school.

... Wait a second, I didn't have a social life... Ahem...


-Met a lot of cool people over the PSN (Nav, Powerman, Dorkiie, Idaman, Chaos, etc). Pending: I met you in '07, that's why you weren't on the list. Cheer up lol.

Bought a lot of games:MGS4, Fallout 3, Resistance 2, GTA4, Dead Space, Army of Two, Uncharted, and Devil May Cry 4.


-Bought a whole bunch of stuff that I had been wanted for awhile. I already made a blog about them a few weeks ago so I will not mention them.

-Joined GameSpot (I guess?)

-This one is actually something I am very proud of: I used to only listen to Rap/Hip-Hop but had grown extremely bored with it after some of the crap that was passed off as music this year (I'm looking at you Flo-Rida. Man, I hate you). My good friend Pending from my PSN introduce me different types of music which I am still really enjoying. I have completely ditched Rap and moved on to bands like Disturbed, Scars of Broadway, Seether, and Mudvayne.

That pretty much wraps up my 2008. I am sure I missed some stuff and will possibly edit it when I remember more, but it seems like a good list to me as of now. It may sound like this blog is coming to an end, but it not. I have all of 2009 to talk about.

I guess you could calls these my "New Year's Resolution", but I prefer not to since I am actually going to do them (HA!). One is to start working out and lifting weights again. Since I am single again, I now have to actually care what I look like since in today's society, you're only as good as how good people think you are. I'm taking an extra unnecessary course this semester which is weight training, so I am forced to do it.

Another thing I am really going to push is to be more social with people. Instead burying myself in my basement playing games all the time, I am going to try to get out a lot more. I already even have plans to hang out with some girls next week when I'm not working. I guess you could call them dates since they are all girls I have had some sort of "more than friends" relations in the past, so I am interested to see how those go.

Anyone who is reading this that does what I did during '08, which was play games all the time and refuse to associate with people, you have to change your ways. It will get to you eventually. With all the stress I was dealing with between my crazy ex, school, and my job, I began to feel suicidal during the past few months. I nearly did it at one point and looking back on it I can't help but think how stupid I was being. The main reason for all my stress was because I was lonely, and I am not letting that happen to me this year.

Well here it is for my "resolutions". This was kind of 2 blogs mashed into one, but hey, it's my blog, I can do whatever I want (except cuss, since my last one was deleted). Plus, I'm going to be busy the next couple days and probably would never have gotten around to writing this. Well, thanks for reading. As always, leave some comments.


P.S. Anyone who posted on my last blog, I cannot thank you enough for the support everyone gave me. I really did help me out a lot. I can honestly say right now that I am happy with the way things are right now and I am glad I do not have that wretched girl ruining my life anymore. None of my real life friends cared enough to even talk about it with me so I'm glad you all gave me input on what you thought of the matter.

It's All Over

For those of you who have followed my blog since I first started writing them (which wasn't very long ago), you know that I have had a girlfriend for over 2 years now (25 months). That all sadly came to an end today. We dated from 11-10-08 - 12-15-08. It may not seem like I am upset, but I am completely crushed. I'll tell everybody what happened from the very beginning.

Back in February of this year, a few days before Valentine's Day, my girlfriend found some "explicit" pictures saved on my phone from my ex girlfriend that were sent to me in early January. As stupid as it was for me to have these pictures and despite how pissed she was at me (she wanted to break up over that), she still gave me another chance. Although she gave me another chance, she lost all sense of trust in me. We all know trust is a huge part of relationships, but mine still lasted almost another year with no trust. When I say she didn't trust me, I mean the following: checking through my entire phone for calls/texts, vigorously checking my facebook for any activity in which another girl was involved, and not allowing me to go out anywhere, and I mean anywhere.

Seriously, if another girl was there, I shouldn't have been there. Luckily for her, my addiction to video games keeps me inside a lot. My life consists of school, work, and games. I do not have much of a social life since all my friends left for college. The lack of trust issue was not much of a problem until she left for college in August. It killed her that she could not monitor my every move. This is where our relationship begins to crumble.

We do have arguments a lot but when I visited her for my birthday and when she was home for Thanksgiving, everything was perfect. After thanksgiving everything seemed great. Just last week she was begging me to fly home with her after her Christmas break ended on January 2nd (My break ends January 26th and today is my last day..... yeah..... in your face!). So I was in the process of getting a flight down there with her so I would be able to stay with her for 2 weeks.

Between Friday of last week and today, our relationship completely died. It started on Friday night she had gone with with some friends (which was her 1 girlfriend, and 3 guys) to see a movie at one of the guys' places. She pulled this kind of stuff all the time so I kind of just let it fly. After she got home from that she asks me what I did that night. Of course, I stayed in and played games. She said she wants me to be more social.

Earlier that night a guy from my English class had asked me if I wanted to go bowling with him and a bunch of girls. As appealing as this offer was, I declined because I knew my girlfriend would hate to hear about me out with other girls since she does not trust me. I told her about this incident and how her being so overprotective keeps me from having a social life (she also sends messages to girls I talk to tell them to back off of me). We argue over that for awhile because she cannot believe that I told the truth and she actually begins cussing at me. I let that go for the night a figured it would just blow over.

The next morning I wake up to my phone beeping with numerous text messages from her. She had stayed up late and gone through my facebook and random girls facebooks. From this she found 2 things to pin against me. I would like to get everyone's opinions on the seriousness of these 2 things.

1. A girl that I was friends with way back in Middle School had her status with songs from the song "Big Pimpin" by Jay-Z from way back in the day. I found this to be funny so I left a comment says "lol you're awesome". As harmless as I thought this was heres the the text I received pertaining to that comment, "WTF Brian, if she is so awesome than why don't you just date her!? I can't believe you did this to me!" I was in shock and awe upon receiving this. Don't worry the other is just as ridiculous.

2. She had become very good friends with a girl while there so on facebook I decided to send her a friend request. Apparently sending a friend request to someone you don't know is just as bad as cheating. The girl is attractive which probably made it worse, despite that being the reason I befriending her. Heres the text I received from this, "Why would you send her a friend request? you don't even know her. You probably just want to look at the pictures of her in a bikini and j erk off to them." Again, I couldn't believe how ridiculous she was being.

We continued to argue about this mindless BS and then she dropped an atom bomb. She said we needed to discuss our relationship and she didn't think it was working out anymore because she couldn't deal with the distance.

So today she broke up with me. I also found out that her and another guy like each other, but she assured me that she never cheated on me (not like it matters). It was kind of weird though because she was the one doing the break up, yet she was bawling her eyes out while I was calm. She went on and on telling me how much she loved me and how sorry she is but she feels like she is ruining my life (which may not be entirely false). I had told her in the past that if we ever were to break up, I would never talk to her again. She begged me to still talk to her for the next 2 days and I agreed because I told her something fairly important about herself that I am not comfortable sharing with everyone.

Well there you have it. After 2 years, 1 month, and 5 days, I am sadly single once again. I am interested to see if I still have a way with girls since I have really only talked to my Ex-Girlfriend (first time referring to her as that) all this time. Things are pretty bad for me right now, although I am hoping it will blow over soon.

I really hope none of you all go through anything like this. I cannot say I regret being in the relationship at all. I have a lot of good memories from it and experiences that will help me in the future. Here is my advice to everybody though; trust is a necessity in a relationship. Ig you are ever in one and the girl does not seem to trust you or you can't trust her, get out of it before you get emotionally attached like I did. There were various time in our relationship that we should have broken up but neither of us could because we were so attached to each other. Sorry for making this such a long blog. This was mainly just me venting out my anger. It somewhat works though. Anyways, let me know what you guy think. Leave some comments below.


New Age Grammar

After viewing countless comments and posts that made my blood boil on sites such as this one, youtube, facebook, myspace, and various others. Because of this, I am going to re-create the outdated, useless alphabet that we currently use. Why even have one if nobody uses it? Its like speed limits, why even have signs if people go 10+ mph anyway?.

Well, here is is:

4 8 K D 3 F G |-| 1 J 1 M N 0(# zero) P Q |Z Z 7 U V W X Y

"A" did not make the cut since a 4 apparently look exactly like an A.

"C" has become obsolete since "K" is much more intimidating.

"E"= 3. Again, apparently they look exactly the same

1 has replaced i and l for obvious reasons.

"S" is now a sissy (or "zizzy") letter, Z is much cooler anyway.

"X" is now a vowel, since its usage has five-folded from the old alphabet.

The suffix "ate" is simply replaced by 8, just as "to" or "too" are replaced by "2".

AlSo, WhEn tRyInG tO sOuNd PrOfEsSiOnAl, TyPe LiKe THiS!!!!

When signing your name, always include the sequence "1337" following your name to make you seem even more professional.

Also, no usage of grammar will be used either. Commas, question marks, and other forms of grammar are not used, so why even include them.

With this new alphabet, words will become so much "cooler". Some examples include the word "Awesome" becomes 4w3zom3, "Chaos" becomes KH40Z, and the phrase "H ELL YEAH" becomes H311 Y34H. I think these guidelines will really help many generations to come on proper grammar. This new grammar is new, hip, trendy, and embodies all that is cool so why not use it? Its so hip that it should be taught in "skewl".

Well, this wraps up the guidelines for New Age Grammar. Leave some comments and tell me what you think.


P.S.- I really hope everybody caught the sarcasm of this.

WTF Snuggies???

So with my PS3 being broken and all, I have recently been watching a lot of TV. I rarely used to watch TV because I was always playing games but all my life I have always hated commercials. No matter what kind of commercial it was, whether it be funny or not, I really just wanted to watch whatever show I was trying to watch. I was currently in the middle of watching the movie, "Black Sheep" on Comedy Central when it cut to commercials (of course).

So I lay there mindlessly watching the commercials and had no idea what was about to happen next. The next commercial begins and it was for a thing called a "Snuggie". I had never been so appalled in my life. If you have been fortunate enough to not know what a Snuggie is, allow me to ruin your day.


Are you f***ing kidding me!?

My jaw literally dropped upon seeing this. That is easily the stupidest product I have ever seen. Not only does it make you look like a f*g but it also shows how lazy you truly are. Is a regular blanket falling out of place really THAT bothering that you would give you your pride and dignity and wear a blanket with sleeves? And if you're that cold, put on a jacket or sweatshirt.

Just imagine walking into your best friends house and seeing him, along with the rest of the family, walking around wearing Snuggies.

If I walked in and saw this, here is what would happen:

1. My mouth would open, but no words would come out, because so many insults would be running through my head that I would not know what to say first.

2. I would leave.

3. Begin to douse the outside of the house in gasoline.

4. Ignite!

I was so disgusted by this commercial that I felt the need to express my anger towards it through writing in my blog.  

On a positive note, my PS3 ships to Sony tomorrow. That means only 9-12 more days until I get it back and don't have to watch absurd "Snuggies" commercials anymore. Well that about wraps this blog up. Leave some comments!


Recent Purchases

So over the past few months I have spent quite a bit of money. On what? This blog will tell you.

1.  I got this Macbook because I needed to have a laptop for my college and Apple was having a good deal for college students. I got 100$ off any Macbook, a free 8GB Ipod touch, and a free HP color printer. Im currently using this laptop right now and I have been very pleased with it.

2. This jacket I order from Northface's website. I decided to not go with the traditional black one that just about everyone in the world had. The colors of this appealed to me so I selected this. It really is a good jacket. It light but still keeps me from getting cold. I don't regret buying this at all.

3. I decided to get a watch since my old one didn't really fit me very well. This isnt the exact watch I got, but it looks very similar to it and is by the same manufacturer. I have gotten alot of compliments on it from people so that made me feel good about buying it.

4. After watching a few trailers and gameplay footage of this game, it really caught my attention. Despite it being from EA, I found it to be a great game. I also received my first platinum trophy on ps3 from this game. I strongly recommend this to anyone.


I was tired of not being able to play my ipod music in my car, and tired of my plain old car radio to begin with. I purchased this at a Bestbuy and had it installed that day. I am very pleased with it so far. I can finally listen to all my music at once without annoying CDs to switch between. 

6. I had pre-ordered Resistance 2 and picked it up on its release day. I wrote a review on it recently so check it out if you have not done so yet.

7.Not necessarily the best looking shoes in the world, but they are probably the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn. Their also great running shoes (although I have only ran in them maybe twice lol).

8.Last night for Black Friday I stopped by the nearest outlet mall where they had a Bose store. Since my Ipod earbuds are basically garbage and have lots of static, i decided to pick these up. The difference is incredible. They fit perfectly into my ears and the sound is flawless. These did cost quite a bit and I did kind of regret buying them at first but I changed my mind after listening to e few songs.

9. I did not buy this watch. It was a gift from my girlfriend and she was unaware that I had recently bought a watch. Needless to say, it is a really nice watch and I do like it a lot.

I had bought more things such as clothes, music, and movies, but I did not feel like getting the pictures for them lol. I got alot of good deals on stuff since it was Black Friday yesterday. Unfortunately I dropped a couple hundred on a ring for my girlfriend and I's 2 year anniversary that was earlier this month. I am going to have to hold back on the spending for a little while lol. Hope you guys enjoyed the list. Thanks for reading and make sure to leave a comment.



Resistance 2 Review

Since I cant really play video games for the time given, I took the time to write a review for Resistance 2. I would like to receive some feedback from people on what they thought of the review and since there is not place for commentary for reviews, I am going to use my blog for that purpose. So please leave some feedback. Thanks in advance




Broken PS3...

Yep. You read the title correctly; my ps3 decided tonight it no longer wanted to work properly. When i try to turn it on it will turn off automatically. I am now sending it to SCEA to get it fixed for the low low price of 150$, not to mention all my saved data is going to be erased. All those countless hours spent on the single player segments of games will be forever lost.

So for the 12-16 days I have no idea what I am going to do. Probably play my old ps2 games such as god of war 2 or devil may cry 3. Luckily my girlfriend is coming home for Thanksgiving this Tuesday so she will keep me busy from games. Of course none of those days dont count as business days so i will still have to wait anyway.

But yeah I wont be on PS3 at all for awhile. Anyone I talk to on there from this site wil at least know why. Everyone else will probably assume im dead since im on for man hours everyday. Well I hope everyone has fun playing their games while i rot away some more with my unsatisfying life... 

Loose Change

This will be a short blog but I find it to be quite funny. So today i woke up around 930 am to go to my usual shift at work. Since i went to bed around 6 last night i was really tired. Right before going I decided to go to 7-11 to get a red bull to give me some energy for my shift.

So I go in to and get my drink and go up to the counter to pay. I handed the clerk a 5 dollar bill and he held it up in the air to check for that little strip thing to make sure it wasn't counterfeit. After that he rings me up and starts handing me my change. He gives me back two 20's, a 5, a dollar, and a bunch of coins. At first I didn't realize what had happened but then I noticed the register said that I had paid with a 50 so he gave me the change for that lol. What a moron.

So basically 7-11 paid me 46$ to have receive a red bull from them. After that I didn't even really need the drink because I was so pumped that I had a;ready made about the amount of money I was going to make during my 4-hour shift lol.


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