What's up everyone? It's been about 11 days since my last blog and I had no idea it had been that long since my last one, and that is why I am writing one now. It's currently 8:05 am and for the first time in awhile I am actually up at this hour. Two nights ago I had pulled an all nighter and then got caught up in watching the inauguration and ended up not falling asleep until 2 am last night. I only got 6 hours of sleep but surprisingly I am not that tired.
I am going to try to get out of this whack sleeping schedule that I am on since I start school this Monday, which I am not that bummed about. Remember in my last blog when I mentioned how much I liked my schedule and everything? Yeah, well things got messed up a little bit. I was unaware that payments for the courses were due last Tuesday, so they were not paid. Since they weren't paid, they took them all away and I had to redo my classes. Some courses had filled up so now I don't have my 3 day weekend every week so I'm a little pissed about that. I also ended up added another course to my schedule. My courses are English 101, Sociology, Math 116 (Statistics), Introduction to Business, and Strength and Conditioning. As you can probably tell, my schedule is pretty easy and that is fine by me :).
I have gotten a chance to go to the gym a few times during break as well as do some lifting at my house. I did max outs at the gym so I could see how much weaker I have gotten since my glory days in high school. My bench press max is down to 220 from 255, which is a huge disappointment for me. My sophomore year I could do 215 and here I am 3 years older and barely any stronger. Blah. It sucks. I'm sure none of you want to hear about that anyway, so moving on.
I had a chance last Thursday to take a girl that I'm friends with out on what I guess you could call a date. We just went to dinner and then drove around some and talked about a lot of stuff. The bad part of this is that she just recently started going out with this guy from her school. She assured me that it was nothing serious and we did some "stuff". Nothing serous though. What was bad though is that right after, her boyfriend (who knew that she was with me at the time) calls her up and asks to speak with me. His first words were "Hey, I don't like you". He then continued on to wanted me to assure him that I would not do anything I would "regret". I knew who the guy was, just not personally, and by the looks of him, the wasn't much I could do that I would "regret", since he's about half the size of me. Since I don't plan on really seeing the girl that much anymore when school starts back up, I just was told him everything was fine.
On another side of things, I'm planning on going to GameStop today and do the cliche pre-ordering of Killzone 2. The more I see and hear about the game, the more I want it. One thing I found interesting is that you get to pick your spawn points. Not only do you pick them, but you also get to see what's going on in the area around it. This way, you should'nt spawn and immediately die by some camping f** thats sitting in a corner. Since spawn points and grenades seem to be the main cause of my demise in online gaming, this should rid me of the spawn points. Now I just need to learn how to not die by grenades, which I've found to be impossible. Lets not even get started on that, or else this blog will be way too long. I did currently buy a game from the PS Store that was recommended to me by FetusZero. The game is called MagicBall and essentially it's a new version of the classic brick breaker game where you have the ball and the paddle. When I say this is a great game, I kid you not. I cannot even remember the last time I played a game that didn't piss me off. The trophies were a cakewalk to get, but I think I'll still play this game from time to time as a stress reliever or something.
I also changed my avatar here on GS. When I say changed, I mean switched from one picture of Kratos to another lol. Hopefully, nobody else has it since I think it's cool. I also am close to 1,000 forum posts, which isn't a milestone or anything, but it's still kind of a lot.
Well, that pretty much sums up this blog. I couldn't really think of a title, so that explains that. I think from now I'm going to add a fun fact or something at the end of all my blogs. I don't know? Why not? Anyways, take it easy. Until next time.
Fun Fact: Illinois was the first state to adopt Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as a statewide holiday.
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