I'm more affraid of being stuk in an elevator with a bunch of horny gay men.
BSC14's forum posts
I'm going to quit coming here but I can't help but reply. First off GameSpot doesn't need to take a stance at all. Do peple think to their selves "man I need to find a good pro-gay website....maybe I should check the video game websites for some good proactive gay support".
Second, there is a difference in not supporting something and intolerance towards it. I personally don't care if gay people get married...Separation of Church and state should go both ways. I don't gay bash or treat gay people any different. You guys like to sterotyp all Christians into hate mongers but that's not even close to being true. The westboro church is far from being the norm.....
My point is that a professional game site imo should not take sides on political or social issues and doing so excludes the ones that have a different opinion. They are not being inclusive, they are being completly biased and creating a biased environment.
Although I am for same sex marriage, I do find it weird how all these companies are taking sides. I am more used to companies and other organizations remaining neutral when it comes to these kinds of debates.
Its a money grab...they see an opportunity.
Now I'm out. Take it easy guys.
If the Christian or conservative base won some similar but different battle like the gay community just did, would the site celebrate it by changing their logo? Uh...no.
Point is that a professional game site imo should not take sides on political or social issues and doing so excludes the ones that have a different opinion. You guys are not being inclusive, you're are being completly biased and creating a biased environment.
Honestly, it's all good...I'll let it go. And it's best that I let the site go as well. I considered leaving the site a long time ago for this kind of trash and it's why I stopped supporting the site with a yearly sub. I'll log out and not come to this gay website for news or the boards again. I know you guys will be happy to see me go considering you stand so firmly against what I believe....I'm ok with that. Take care......stay gay. :p
bsc14 may 21st 2002 to June 28th 2015
lol....13 years of support...no more guys.
it's been less lately to be honest but come on man...do I really need to convince you when they changed they logo to a rainbow.
Yeah, you do
Cause I actually can't remember the last time (if ever) GS has done something like this
They are simply showing there support for an exceptionally pertinent issue which has just had a major victory
Why this bothers you so much, I simply cannot fathom
Its the internet lad
Toughen that skin up
I'm sure there are more these are just the ones that came up first in google.
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