Man i hope FNR4 corrects a few things from the previous one....
- The "Rapid Jab" & "Sinster Cross"- U players know what I'm talking about, the guy that runs over there and unrealistically throws like 9 jabs in a couple of seconds and takes a lot of damage from u. U hit the guy with like hooks and uppercuts yet he does the rapid jab andyet youhit the cavaas. (example jermain taylor, and roy jones sinster cross.) In reality a jab is only used to throw off rthyme, and u only really see damage from it in later tounds say u connected 500 of them. It still wouldn't be enough to knock a guy out. If ea corrects this then half the top fighters online look likewhimps Bring the balance back to the first one where jabs were rthyme knockers, cross did damage but weren't super knock out blows, and the cross and uppers were the ones to land.
- Balance!! - plz everyone is a bandwagon jumper on jermaine taylor, and diego correles, and it seems like ea gave these guys super stats and itsvery difficult tofight them with any other boxers. It should be skill rather then slight advantage of bad balance.plz, plz give the other boxing greats some dignity and make them known to the public why they were champions in the first place.
- Make it all analog - PS3 to 360, u true analog fighters know that button fighters piss u off the most and are the biggest abusers of the glitches. If u make it all analog have of those guys will be exposed.
- Inside fighting & Reach - The power fighters are at a disadvantage in R3, make sure to give the power fighters there balls back and show ppl why they were so great. But don't make them to the point they are so powerful the game is unbalanced again. Reach fighters need reach i get tried of being sugar ray robinson, or b-hop but can't keep de la hoya or lamotta at bay, oreven a roy jones.
Thats all my complaints, but if I am missing anything or u disagree or support me let me know. Im gonna send this to ea and hope they make fight night round 4 a game that respects the sweet science. Last fight night kinda spat all over that.
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