Beyond Good & Evil 2?
BVCEX's forum posts
It's either the christmas when I got Xbox original and the lord of the rings: the return of the king or the other christmas when I got Star Wars Battlefront II
Best LOTR game to date is Return of the king.
This :cool:
i think it boils down to this: if you were interested by the concept of oblivion--and that is a large, explorable, persistent world where every NPC has their own tasks assigned to them and truly is an independent figure in the game, where you can make your own story and spend hours without even doing the main quest assigned by developers--but you were put off by dated facial animations, clunky menus, poor combat, broken AI, and an obtrusive leveling system, skyrim is the game for you. it fixes everything wrong with oblivion while adding a much more atmospheric and varied game world. oh, and there are dragons.
TC, you should listen to this guy 8)
i think it boils down to this: if you were interested by the concept of oblivion--and that is a large, explorable, persistent world where every NPC has their own tasks assigned to them and truly is an independent figure in the game, where you can make your own story and spend hours without even doing the main quest assigned by developers--but you were put off by dated facial animations, clunky menus, poor combat, broken AI, and an obtrusive leveling system, skyrim is the game for you. it fixes everything wrong with oblivion while adding a much more atmospheric and varied game world. oh, and there are dragons.
TC, you should listen to this guy 8)
Mirror's Edge 8)
Mirror's Edge if one of my favorites games this gen 8)
Let's post some Gears 3 thenSo many UC2 bullshots in this thread...
We need more pics! :D
The witcher 2
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