I totally agree with you. Next time i'll hang with Sony....and Microsoft will have no one to blame but themselves.
Xbox 360 is the only console I currently own, but it doesn't take much to see that MS is shooting themselves in the foot. These are the reasons:
1. High caliber exclusives missing the mark. Games like Alan Wake and Fable II are undoubtedly great games, but they just don't messure up to Uncharted 2 and MGS4. It's not a matter of graphics (AW and Fable II are both great looking games); it's that they can't compete when it comes to quality and polish.
2. Not being friendly to MMO developers. Really big mistake. There is potentionally a huge audience of gamers who would love to get addicted to an MMO on a console, but Microsoft isn't letting it happen. Very foolish.
3. Missing sweet spots in pricing. The redesigned 360 should have released at $250 -- the thing would have been sold out through Christmas time. Also, the Kinect releasing at $150? Are you effing crazy? That means you're asking casuals to pay $200 for a 360 (assuming a lower end model releases), and then $150 for the Kintect. $350 for a gaming system this late in the generation doesn't cut it. Kinect should be releasing for $100 tops. Mark my words; the Kinect is going to bomb at the $150 price point.
So what does MS need to do? Take a page out of Sony's book. I love my 360, and it started strong, but it's obviously losing steam and MS needs to fix these issues.
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