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Babywarrior5 Blog

All 4 One

Alright. Well, I know you guys haven't heard from me in ages, but I'm so upset about the newest RaC game that I've decided to get up on my soap box here as well as on my dA, which can be found here: with me while I rant a bit. :3

As I'm sure you all know, Insomniac announced Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One not long ago, touting it as a 4 player co-op that evidently takes place in the comic book canon.

As you may have noticed from my dA, I'm a RaCverse freak! XD; I really don't think this is the right direction for Insomniac to be going with the franchise. I mean, what the hell, guys?! Co-op has NEVER been the focus of these games; it's been the strong single player that holds them up as something different from the sea of games that focus on online multiplayer and have the world's worst single player story line. To be entirely honest, this doesn't even look like something Insomniac would make; disagree? Contrast the trailer for All 4 One with the Crack in Time launch trailer. The graphics, the music, camera, environments, lack of weapons ;_;! It doesn't even FEEL like an Insomniac game. Sure, it's fine to mix things up, but don't go moving so far away from the core gameplay. I hate the phrase "true fans" but I can't help but feel as though "we" have been kicked aside in favor of bringing over the more casual gamers. Perhaps trying to capture some people from the Heroes on the Move crowd and bring them over?

By sheer coincidence, I was playing ToD right before I saw this trailer...that made it even worse, to be honest. Again, the music is what really strikes me as unusual. The contrast between just that snippet of music in the trailer and the music in ToD (I was in Meridian City) is quite astounding. Well...the music and the animation. It really does look like the preview pages of the comic I've seen. I think Ratchet looks pretty odd there as well, but that's mart of what makes me believe that this is a ploy to get people to buy the comics and bring in a little extra money.

Okay, I know this is probably the pettiest gripe ever, but the name. COME. ON. We go from the desired "Clock Blockers" to this?!

I hope this is all a short, comic series tie in filler thing because I will be extremely disappointed if the Future storyline is dropped like a hot potato in exchange for something that will sell and appeal to the masses of sheeple in love with shallow, online games. I respect (read: present tense) IG for their desire to make their games great and polish them to a mirror shine rather than make something totally homogeneous that will sell like wildfire but be bland as hell. Maybe they're just really good actors, but they really seem to care about impressing their fans and genuinely improving on the previous game in a series with small touches. Like I said, maybe this is all tied in with the comics and Heroes on the Move (don't even get me started on my hatred of the motion trend) to "sucker in casual gamers with teaspoon-shallow" games. Who knows? I certainly don't and it's not like my pathetic opinion matters to anybody anyway.

Well. I've said what I wanted to say and I shall vacate the Soap Box in favor of somebody who actually matters. :3


New Rock Band 2 patch

I finally downloaded the new patch for RB2. I was actually qute surprised about it since Harmonix never release updates. The only thing I've noticed so far is a sort by star feature, which is kind of nice. It glitched for me once on download though. :( And caused my PS3 to shut down and start back up again. It was fine the second time though. Just thought I'd tell everybody. :D

Multitaps and a theory

So I've got this PS2 multitap that I really want to use for my PS3 because it just doesn't make sense to buy 3 more Dualshocks when I've got 4 perfectly good PS2/1 ones around already. That and I just can't justify spending $55 a peice for them.

Anyway, a while ago I got one of those PS2 controller prong to USB connector guys that are of questionable legality (For the PZ3! it said on the package) from Amazon. As shocking as it sounds, it works really well and I can now use my Dualshock 3 and a Dualshock 2. The only game I've ever had a problem with was on Termainator Salvation when the only thing the non PS3 person could do was run around the robots distracting them and waving their guns around and it was a crap game anyway. That and it recognizes a GH3 Kramer as 3 microphones, which can be hilarious at times.

Anyway, the point of this was that I was wondering that if I went to Gamestop or something and got a memory card to USB cable I could actually usethe multitap instead of having it collecting dust. Worst case scenario I just buy a couple more USB cables since they're only like $5, but I really want to seeif this would work. Has anybody else tried this? It might be a collossal fail or it might work beautifully. I'm on a mission now.

Not much, really.

So I haven't been on in a while for some reason. Well, I have, but I haven't posted a blog in a while. Not that anybody cares what I have to blab about anyway.:)

But I have finished Crack in Time on Medium and once through on Challenge Mode. My friend lent me all of the PS2 ones soI'm going to work on those sometime soon. School is grating on me as usual, but that's what I get for taking an AP class, Isuppose. Lousy notebook.

And,in addition to everythingelse,I've been having more firmware issues. Only yesterday was I able to sync trophies properlyto get on my profile and change the color of the box. I thought that removing the chime was supposed to speed that up! What a waste. I'm still not giving up on that missing startup chime!

I haven't bought MW2 yet, continuing my ultimately usless boycott of all Activision products. I know it won't help, but it's nice to delude myself into thinking it will.


When on earth is the Crack in Time demo going to come out?! I'm so ready for it! Well, themif what I've read is to be believed. I've heard thatInsomniac hadto splitthe demo into a Ratchet part and aClank part because it ended up being too big.This is an awesome time for new stuff though. I played the Brutal Legend demo the other day, and I was shocked at how much fun it was. I think I'm going to have to at least rent it. And Yay! I'm almost at a level 6!

It's been in the high 40's, low 50's this week, which is really, really odd for NC in October. I have to say that I'm loving it though. What I'm not looking foward to is sitting outside on concrete bleachers all night tomorrow for homecoming. -.-

Well, anyway, go Tigers! Undefeated, whoop whoop, school spirit, etc, etc.

LittleBigPlanet Patch

I installed the newest version of LBP yesterday, I believe it was, and man has it been slow and laggy. It froze the other day, community levels are loading at a very slow pace, and sometimes I can't even get access to the online portions at all.Has anybody else had these issues?

Ratchet and Clank and colds

Well, my birthday is coming up and I've already pre-ordered R&C Crack in Time from Gamestop. I'm so excited! I still haven't gottena chance to play Beatles Rock Band though, so I think I'm going to ask for that on the old B-Day list as well. I've been playing Need For Speed Underground this week and found it to be a tad lacking. It's a sound racer, but the magic from the old days (NFS:HP2, anyone?) isn't really there anymore.

Hot Pursuit 2 is one of my all time favorite games on any console. I have also rented R&C Size Matters and am attempting to play it though. Mostly to shut myself up till the new one comes out. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that I never really realized just how spoiled I had gotten by Tools of Destruction's graphics! Oh boy, switching back to PS2 graphics is quite the shock.

I also have a cold, which is bringing me down somewhat, but still can't dampen my enthusiasm for Crack in Time. I want to pick up Dirt 2 also. I dowloaded the demo the other day and it looks great.

PSN update and Lilac PSP

Well, I'm not sure if I like the new XMB. I like the new background and layout, although I miss the info board. The one thing that really gets me about it is the way they show friends now. I think the GIANT boxes around your friends ID's are pretty tacky looking. They would look nicer if they were a darker, opaque grey. I do like the "What's New" thing and the fact that icons fade out if you aren't hovering on them. It's nice. Well, enough XMB talk.

Moving on, to the abomination of "Girlz Play Too" found here:

As a female gamer, I really hate sterotypes like this. Oh yes, the fact that I'm a chick means that I am horrible at real games and would rather play through "Hannah Montana: The Movie: The Game" or wail out lyrics on Rock Band because I can't play anything else on an difficulty higher than easy. -.-

I understand that Sony has to attempt to appeal to all demographics, but really!The least you could do is not portray all females aspink and purple ponylovingflower children.We aren't all mindless fools watching our boyfriends play RE5 and lamenting the bits of blood and bone fragments in it.

I know I can't be the only girl who feels this way! I've actually gotten messages after playing online RB2 while I play guitar (on expert, and well, if I may say, hoping I don't sound like an obnoxious braggart) asking whether I'm really a girl. I'm sitting here, as I type this, looking at my non-lilac PS3 that has InFamous sticking out of it. Ironically, the current background color for the XMB is a light purple. I wonder if it was planned like that...

Agree? Think I'm a narrow minded moron? Feel free to leave a comment!

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