Alright. Well, I know you guys haven't heard from me in ages, but I'm so upset about the newest RaC game that I've decided to get up on my soap box here as well as on my dA, which can be found here: with me while I rant a bit. :3
As I'm sure you all know, Insomniac announced Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One not long ago, touting it as a 4 player co-op that evidently takes place in the comic book canon.
As you may have noticed from my dA, I'm a RaCverse freak! XD; I really don't think this is the right direction for Insomniac to be going with the franchise. I mean, what the hell, guys?! Co-op has NEVER been the focus of these games; it's been the strong single player that holds them up as something different from the sea of games that focus on online multiplayer and have the world's worst single player story line. To be entirely honest, this doesn't even look like something Insomniac would make; disagree? Contrast the trailer for All 4 One with the Crack in Time launch trailer. The graphics, the music, camera, environments, lack of weapons ;_;! It doesn't even FEEL like an Insomniac game. Sure, it's fine to mix things up, but don't go moving so far away from the core gameplay. I hate the phrase "true fans" but I can't help but feel as though "we" have been kicked aside in favor of bringing over the more casual gamers. Perhaps trying to capture some people from the Heroes on the Move crowd and bring them over?
By sheer coincidence, I was playing ToD right before I saw this trailer...that made it even worse, to be honest. Again, the music is what really strikes me as unusual. The contrast between just that snippet of music in the trailer and the music in ToD (I was in Meridian City) is quite astounding. Well...the music and the animation. It really does look like the preview pages of the comic I've seen. I think Ratchet looks pretty odd there as well, but that's mart of what makes me believe that this is a ploy to get people to buy the comics and bring in a little extra money.
Okay, I know this is probably the pettiest gripe ever, but the name. COME. ON. We go from the desired "Clock Blockers" to this?!
I hope this is all a short, comic series tie in filler thing because I will be extremely disappointed if the Future storyline is dropped like a hot potato in exchange for something that will sell and appeal to the masses of sheeple in love with shallow, online games. I respect (read: present tense) IG for their desire to make their games great and polish them to a mirror shine rather than make something totally homogeneous that will sell like wildfire but be bland as hell. Maybe they're just really good actors, but they really seem to care about impressing their fans and genuinely improving on the previous game in a series with small touches. Like I said, maybe this is all tied in with the comics and Heroes on the Move (don't even get me started on my hatred of the motion trend) to "sucker in casual gamers with teaspoon-shallow" games. Who knows? I certainly don't and it's not like my pathetic opinion matters to anybody anyway.
Well. I've said what I wanted to say and I shall vacate the Soap Box in favor of somebody who actually matters. :3
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