i love the fact that our physics isnt able to comprehend the size of that one galaxy, and who is to say this is the only universe out there, we may be in one of many 'verses'....... was posting in a thread last night with someone who couldnt imagine earth being created by anything but god, but seriously when you look at all the possibilities of combinations out there in our universe, there is almost no way to fathom that this is the only planet sustaining life........
Bacca7's forum posts
This thread needs moar Radiohead!!!!
Fake Plastic Trees - Radiohead
Like Spinning Plates - RadioheadExit Music (For a Film) - Radiohead
Prepare for some tears lol
i agree, i would also add, Weird Fishes/Arpeggi - Radiohead as well.......
there are so many songs and albums that do that for me, music is really sad a lot of the time......
I think this topic has way too much generalizing and too many stereotypes.Sunsha
kind of hard not to, even when not trying to, with a topic like this......
Can you imagine a guy buying that for his wifes birthday. ...... I have a feeling it wouldnt end well :lol:[QUOTE="Bacca7"]
i think more and more women are getting into video games, i mean look at the Wii revolution that has swept the nation, especially when they came out with WiiFit, but also i think the DS seems to have a lot of games that are slanted towards women/girls as well, i mean there is the commercial with Beyonce playing the DS.....
but in my experience most women ive dated that told me they really enjoyed video games did so as more of a passing fancy, they enjoyed them for a little bit, but games never really drew them in....... but im sure there are plenty of women out there who really do enjoy video games, they just may not "advertise" it as much as guys often do......
actually my buddy at work bought a Wii, and WiiFit for his gf for her birthday, and she loved it, another one of my friends bought WiiFit for his wife for X-mas, once again, she was quite happy with the gift...... so yeah actually it CAN end well! ;)
Wu-tang clan (esp. ODB, RZA, GZA and Method), MF DOOM, Tribe Called Quest, early DJ Quik, Black Sheep, Cannibal Ox, Mr. Lif, Latyrx, Souls of Mischief, Pharcyde, early Del tha Funkee Homosapien, Pete Rock and CL Smooth, Public Enemy, early Nas
eating a lot of anything will make you fat :|
ha, that was my first thought too!!! heh heh
hey Burned Soul: legitimate question, do you believe in evolution? or do you believe in Adam and Eve and that Eve was created from one of Adam's ribs??
who is to say that Earth is the only combination of gases and heat that can allow life to form and be created? this universe is so large and our knowledge of it so small, that there is no way to know how many different types of life forms are out there............. basically what im saying is that there are so many possible combinations of gases, distance and heat from the sun that could be floating out there in the universe, and we dont ever know if there is one universe or if our universe is a part of many others......... i respect that you are religious, but i am not, and yes i 100% believe that it is all chance..... we are so miniscule in the scope of the universe, a virtual blip on the map........
actually, you can die from drinking too much, google that.... seriously...... its called alcohol poisoning, some people have to go to the hospital to have their stomach pumped they get so sick, and yes, you can die from it
i think more and more women are getting into video games, i mean look at the Wii revolution that has swept the nation, especially when they came out with WiiFit, but also i think the DS seems to have a lot of games that are slanted towards women/girls as well, i mean there is the commercial with Beyonce playing the DS.....
but in my experience most women ive dated that told me they really enjoyed video games did so as more of a passing fancy, they enjoyed them for a little bit, but games never really drew them in....... but im sure there are plenty of women out there who really do enjoy video games, they just may not "advertise" it as much as guys often do......
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