[QUOTE="Atheists_Pwn"][QUOTE="BackHatch"] This is part of a much bigger issue. Movies, games, TV too. The fact is they will never be able to stop the downloading of music, movies, games, and TV. And through ebooks in there too.
They will just need to invent different ways to make money. 3D and giant screens is working for movies. TV I don't understand. I pretty much flat out refuse to watch a commercial anymore. I record / forward through EVERYTHING! Even live sports. I will pause that and go make drinks, go to the bathroom, whatever it takes to build up enough of a buffer to not have to watch commercials.
They should just charge everyone a flat entertainment fee that includes unlimited moves, music, games, TV, and books. Anything short of that is a joke. That is the way the world is going. And there will always be pirates. The industries trick is to make it just hard enough so that you actually have to do just a tiny bit of research to do it.
How hard is it to install a torrent client and download files? Apparently hard enough that 90% of the world doesn't do it…
Who would care about making money if everyone had access to the resources of society? This is what the debate ultimately boils down to. You have people who want society to be based upon money and ownership, and those who want a society in which people can freely do what they want, because resources are made to be available to everyone. Capitalism is slowly, but very surely becoming useless as a social construct. Some people dont want it to be that way, for seemingly religious reasons. Also I hope you know that everything you just described is part of the the age old model of Communism. The Communist Manifesto written in 1847 by Carl Marx and Friedrich Engels has always been the bases for this line of thought. I agree it is a nice dream but has history has shown nowone has ever been able to make it work. Side note.. The 80s cartoon "The Smurfs" was a perfect example of communism in action..
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