!!!! THE FLAMES OF HOPE ARE COMING!THE FLAMES OF HOPE WILL DESTROY THE PLAYSTATION!So it was foretold in the scrolls of destiny in the long-long ago from the before-time.When the Playstation is destroyed the three-six-wiis will frolic in the sun and all will be good. So have faith my brothers. The Hay-lo is coming. Redfingers..and thus spoke the wise Casey Wegner with his new 007 icon.The flames of hope will spur our nation of Microsoft forward as we take over the lands of the Internet. Listen nation, leave behind your Japanese Otakus and grow some hair!We as Americans must stand tall and support American companies. Only then will our fine nation win.
a fanboy you might not be, but a troll you are. *goes looking for his anti-troll zapper*raualex No body remembers Bad--Robot?!
Halo 3 will become the savior for the 360 as gamers are enlightened with the flames of hope.The 360 has the largest support from American and Japanese companies.360 has outsold the PS3 and Wii combined. Lair is 100% downgraded, and Halo 3 was in Alpha.I am not a fanboy, I am simply a person who has taken the tourch of a dying man...or robot. PS3 will lose.Mark my words.
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