I just had to make the same decision as you, except i was coming from a pc Background. Been a pc gamer or my life, but recently found that I didnt have the time or flexible joints anymore to sit huddledover a keyboard or mouse in my home office for hours on end.
To this end i decided to make the switch to a console. I have never owned a console before in my life and not realy given it much thought to be honest. Obviously i knew of and about the 3 main contenders but had no real preferance.
Anyway pretty much quickly came down between the xbox and ps3 (Nintendo was just too far a step away fom my beloved pc gaming). First off my decision was not limited by cost, i could afford whichever system i wanted. So it came down simply to which system would overall give me the best value.
Looking from a purely games point of view. Alot ofpeople would say xbox. Simply because of the number of games it has, however i can only play so many games (in fact 3 months later i have10 games none of which i have actually finished yet, all of which imthorouly enjoying). So the number of games wasnt such an issue, they type of games availble was more important.
So then we come to the exclusive's aspect, coming from a pc background the concept of exclusives is completely new to me. Its not something I ever thought i would need to consider. TBH i didnt, i brought my platform without even looking into that aspect. In retrospect it would'nt have made much of a differnce both platfroms have exlcusives i wont xbox has Mass effect, PS3 MSG4 (I love rpg's,good story base games and tactical shooters).
So basically both platforms had in the game department more than enough choice to keep me happy, neither one really outweighed the other in that respect. Some will argue that the xbox 360 has the better version of the multiplats, but tbh the games i was interested the difference was neglible if any at all (Oblivion, R6Vegas, Ninja Sigma)
btw as far as im concerned both systems will be around for a long while, so all this crap you see in sw about one or the other systems losing this gen. Is just that, bollocks. Both ms and sony have too much invested in there systems to be going anywhere anytime soon.
So it came down really to which platform i thought best provided me with the features i wanted. The question was did I just want a games machine (xbox 360) or did i want something that gave me more put of the box. Remember for me, cost wa'nt an issue, but which ever system i brought i wanted to make sure i something that would last and i would get a lot of use out of.
So basically i decided to buy the system that for me personallt overall hadmore functionality and i believe longevityfor my buck. The system that had games enough to keep me happy; the system that i believe in the long run is better overall value not just as a gaming system but as an entertainment system.
Yes i brought a ps3. Do i regret it? not at all. Do i have enough of the games I like? too many too finish (damn you cod4), Do i have a product that for me provides for all my entertainment needs ? damn yes. In short for me(andwhere talking personally based on what i have saidabove)the question is'nt why did i get a ps3. Why would I get an XBOX.
Now i know i'll get xbox fanboys slamming me for this, but it doesnt matter. I have nothing against the xbox, i have no doubt its a damn fine gaming machine. i have no doubt if you get one you'll be very contented. Just personally there was not one good reason to buy it over the ps3. Because in the end when looking at cots vs value the ps3 gave me more for my dollars than the xbox ; in the end it was a simple as that.
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