But if it works only in game menus... Then how is it of any use?
I apologize if I'm not being clear in my explanation. I'll try again. If I plug a logitech into my PS3, everything works just as if I plugged in a Dualshock controller. The buttons are the same, the joysticks work the same, everything the exact same. But let's say I plug in a joystick and play Ace Combat. If I want my missiles to be button six, I can't do that unless the menu in the game lets me. ( On my computer of course this is 100% customizable) So if I am using an odd controller, such as an old computer controller with just a d pad or a big azz joystick, I'm at the mercy of how the ps3 interprets the buttons. It will give everything on the controller a function, just sometimes not what I want. For example the joystick I normally use: The stick is the left analog stick, the x and y axis paddles are the right analog stick, and x,o,triangle, and square are the various joystick buttons.
So to wrap it up- The controllers work just fine to play the games- If the controller is an odd controller you may lose a couple of buttons.
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