This is just breathtaking. Ps3 will soon have a gigantic amount of lovely shooters.
SOCOM:Confrontation: All online! All focus is based on online play so that is a nice start. Ducking behind cover can be controlled by six-axis! How next-gen is that! All around good game.
Killzone 2: If you have seen this game you would already know its a quick hit. It has allowance of class combination for your perfect feel. This shooter is going to bring a whole new meaning to FPS! Huge multiplayer also gives huge excitement.
Resistance 2: This is going to be a good one, 8 person co-op, now that will be interesting. Also expanding the multiplayer mode. The campaign is going to be sick. 300 foot monsters, thats not something you wanna take home to parents. I would give.
Resident Evil 5: This is not going to be my most anticipated game but I am sure it will be good, the small bit I saw in the conference could not completely sum it up for me, but I like how they focus it on a team base.
M.A.G: I dont even need to explain this one, one number can explain it... 256!!! Incredible eh, There has been a fuss over possibility of lag but im sure they will get the job done.
Far Cry 2: Dont think it will be best shooter out at the time, but it will contend with the big guys, new added in stealth mode, to play in any feature of light you play best in. Gives you the choice on the gameplay.
Fracture: Definatly one of the least talked about shooter out. The ability to change the map you are playing on, but believe me in an very different way than BF:BC. Now imagine their 12 player multiplayer, 12 people changing the map to their own game style to mix up the whole game. This game is very unique but dont think it will deliver as amazing.
Fallout 3: Going to somewhat be a Rpg shooter, will turn out interesting, but doesnt look half bad.
Mercenaries 2: Looks incredible, Gives ability to call in any vehicle you want. Allows drop in Co-op online. Even if never played the first one this vast game will give tons of fun.
Project Origin: Actually smart A.I! Also bringing back the slow-mo. Nice amount of weapons and more than 2 can be carried. Not going to be the best but this might be worth buying.
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