killzone 2 demo is that on the EU playstation store I didn't even knew that there will be a demo?????8)
why they don't add arabic language to the next update all we need the the browser to open arabic language pages
how can i know the speed of my connection because i tell the truth i play on my neighbor internet and he doesn't know about it it's can anyone tell my how i can check it on my ps3
i have to say the best character ever made is ((Niko Bellic))... The character from GTAIV ?=---------just in case u r stupid
so the other day i was in wikipedia and i was reading the ((list of playstation 3 games))and i noticed that GTAIV had a yes on trophy supportreally will it get trophies because this will be relly good 8)what i need to know is did SONY announced it ??or it's just another rumor
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