Its between Dark sector,R6V2 or Viking.If there are any other games you think would be good to get say them!!!
BarryIreland's forum posts
And i don't know much about this but it may be that your ISP does not specifically support XBox Live. There is quite a lot of information passed between yoru console and the other players or servers. Maybe it creates some sort of bottleneck because yoru ISP wasn;t designed specifically with Xbox live in mind? Just a guess.BumFluff122
I think it is something to do with the NAT!!So will check that in the next couple days!!
I would have to say Gears of war as its very satisfying/hard to pull off a head shot!!When you do pull it off its funny to see there body fall to the ground!!
Did you set your computer and yoru console to the same Mac Address?BumFluff122
I will check that out.Thanks for the help!!
Get a better connection.Legendaryscmt
Its nothing to do with my connection as it worked fine for the first 2 months!!Then it went wonky!!
Tell them that all your friends have 360s and that u wanna play with them.I have all 3 new systems and in all honesty the 360 is basically the only one i play.Maybe put the ps3 up for sale to show them how serious u r.Xboxlive is the only reason i still play games.loudharley
Xbox live is the only reason I play games anymore as well!It's soo much better than PSN.It's the best fun I have had on a console for ages!!Xbox live rocks(except for the paying part)
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