BarryObama's forum posts
This is a great year to vote independent as a conservative because right now we are watching the most utterly patheticly ran campaign via McCain. I'd love nothing more than to be excited about him right now. But I really cant be. He picked a gimmicky, and hot VP whereas Obama made the wise decision to choose an experienced old crow.
I wont vote Obama no matter what. I don't agree with him. I don't agree with McCain But though I would vote for him. But it hit me. I think the Republican party is in its final days. I believe in the future you will see it split, the neo cons and the constituionalists. Right now the republican and democratic parties are both pro big government, even though most voters like to pretend the republicans are all for small government, which is absolutely 100% not true. All you have to do is look at the patriot act to see this The government is not something that is supposed to intrude into your lives. It is supposed to assist and help you with police, fire, infrastructure(roads), schools and a judicial system. Now it has expanded its reach too far. The Democrats also support a larger more intrusive government, as shown in the Brady Bill under Clinton. While this is not an issue you should always vote on, none of these parties are looking to keep you healthy, free and happy. They are just trying to tell you what you are supposed to do every single day of your life.
None of this BS was in the constitution. The body that laid out the rights of the federal government. Jefferson, Adams andWashiongton would roll over in their grave if they saw American government of today. It is exactly what they fought against, the British Empire.
So vote constitution party!
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